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Bresser Night Vision or similar

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Hi All,

Does anyone have any experience of the Bresser 5 X 50 Night vision, Newton Hornet 5 X 50 or other alternative hand held Night vision at under the £200 mark?


Specifically what sort of spotting/identification range can be expected on an average night?


Thanks for looking.



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have a bresser, its good for what it is, needed my lamp with ir filter to see anything at distance/over 30yds

a good start to get into nv, but after dabbling with my homemade stuff, Id be more eager to build your own if its just for spotting

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have a bresser, its good for what it is, needed my lamp with ir filter to see anything at distance/over 30yds

a good start to get into nv, but after dabbling with my homemade stuff, Id be more eager to build your own if its just for spotting

Thanks for the response.

Yeah its just for spotting, I had an old NV scope one that was about 12 years old that would pick up eyes at maybe 100yards but was no good for identification at that range, you would only get a decent outline with it at under 25 yards.

I was hoping that the technology had moved on and that the lower price range ones would be able to muster a bit more then that distance.


I may look into making one as well but would anyone be able to recommend something that would pick up eyes say at 200yards with a clearer image at 60 - 100 yards? Preferably at around the 200 mark but if not what budget would you allow for something that can cope with the ranges I mentioned above

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You will be able to get a Yukon exelon for around the £120 mark and they are a gen1+ which is what I use to spot with to great success ;-)

Thanks mate, what sort of range are they likely to be OK to?

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i have never used the newton hornet ,but have personal experience with the bresser.it is very good with the onboard i/r for ratting and up to about 60 yds for rabbitting on a very dark night. for clear identification at longer ranges additional ir source will be required.there is a lot written about nv devices about distances you can spot quarry , but imho the most important thing is being able to CLEARLY IDENTIFY it ,not just spot it . a lot of nv is capable of picking up eye reflection at 100 yds + or more but not up to the task of identifying it till it is a lot closer.it comes down to the quarry you are hunting ,rats ,rabbits ,foxes etc .if you are using airgun up to around 50 yds the bresser is a very useful tool , and with the x 5 mag can be used with additional ir ( e.g.ir laser) as a good spotter out to around 120 for rabbits and 150 for larger objects.,depending on the conditions.they are very easy to use and require only 2 x aa batteries.if you look at a lot of the monoculars they seem to be identical with just a different colour outer case ( e.g.look at a newton hornet and a bresser ) .i would not mind betting that some of them are made by the same manufacturer ,and just rebadged .perhaps someone on here may be able to comment on here if that is the case .i have also tried the newton 3 x 42 nv monocular and that was good for ratting out to around 30 yds but not used it beyond that distance .it all comes down to what you want to pay and how long you want to wait.there are numerous people out there who are developing nv devices at the moment , and may well come up with a brilliant design .for all nv whether for shooting or spotting it is always better, if possible ,to try before you buy , it would be worth asking if there is anyone on here who lives near you who may use some of these items if it would be possible to see one in action , atb remember if using any nv device make sure if it has an image intensifier tube DO NOT .expose to a very bright light soure or it will burn out the tube..

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