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How loud is your moderator?

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My moderator is loud as f**k,, his names Malt!! he is always banging on in ma lug,, moanin aboot somit!!!

Firstly, what were the parameters of your test? Distance from the muzzle? In front/behind/to the side? Which side? The iPhone mic is designed to pick up speech level sounds, and at the normal speech f

When we meet up Chris (will reply to your pm you shortly)   I shall show you how to modify the mod so that it becomes very quiet indeed. My S200 without the mod (in my appartment) just about takes

Firstly, what were the parameters of your test? Distance from the muzzle? In front/behind/to the side? Which side? The iPhone mic is designed to pick up speech level sounds, and at the normal speech frequencies, so will probably not be very efficient at picking up percussive noises.


Also, firing without a pellet will make a big difference to the sound signature. The pellet will cause the discharged air to be slower, so will often have a lower impulse level.


A 4dB decrease is almost 25% less sound, so quite a big decrease. Of course 82dB is still quite loud.

Edited by matt_hooks
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Firstly, what were the parameters of your test? Distance from the muzzle? In front/behind/to the side? Which side?


Also, firing without a pellet will make a big difference to the sound signature.


A 4dB decrease is almost 25% less sound, so quite a big decrease. Of course 82dB is still quite loud.


We're talking about 2" bud

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Sound volume decreases in an inverse relationship to the distance, so the further away you are, the lower the noise level. It is an inverse square relationship (due to the energy dissipation over a circular area) and so sound level decreases very rapidly. Try the experiment again, but with the phone 12" to the side of the barrel, and then 12" in front of the barrel. It'll show you how the sound is reduced with distance, and how it projects towards the target, which is the most important thing.

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Ive since tuned the gun which no doubt invalidates my first test.


Will complete a series of further tests when time allows, average it out to gauge it better Matt.


Had a look at the twink moderators, ill have to check whether they fit my s300 barrel, the one on mine isnt up to much in both looks and performance!


I'm fairly certain it's clipping!

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Im not sure how accurate that app is but thought it would be fun trying. My air ranger is in the red with and without mod (from a couple of inches to replicate your first test). Both readings seemed simular, around 95db but without the mod it sounds like a shotgun so was expecting a bigger reading difference between them so Im a little dubious of the accuracy of the app.

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Sound volume decreases in an inverse relationship to the distance,


does this mean that it gets louder the farther away you are?... :whistling::tongue2: ('pologies - couldn't resist)


It is an inverse square relationship (due to the energy dissipation over a circular area)


Spherical area surely - which would make it cubic, no? :hmm: (I don't know the forumulae so I'm genuinely asking, not trying to be a smartass this time. :icon_redface: )



In any case - I'll take a measurement this weekend of the HW100 FAC .177 & the HW100K .22, but it'll be with a Nexus S so I'm not sure how much bearing you could put on it. I've no doubt mind that anyone taking the measurement with the same incarnartion of the iPhone should get equivalent results (assuming consistant test patterns, re: phone placement, of course) - in order for that Siri thing to work, the uniformity of the production would have to be spot on .

Edited by Extremetaz
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