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Artificial`s Earth`s

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90% ofman made earth building is the positioning ( the "perfect site" is no good if the foxes don't run near by).


checking an earth with a terrier has not seemed to make any difference ( no need for the dog to enter if he doesn't think an one is home)

shooting/dispatching a fox in the earth has ruined them ( iput this down to the fact that concrete pipes hold the scent/ pherhormones etc better than soil/sand of a natural earth).


the building material seems not tobe that important either, i have used plastic pipes,drainage pipes ( peforated) ,concrete pipes,clay pipes,slabs,bricks nad even oak planks ( which held a good ten years in sandy well drained soil!!!). they have plus and minus points( access to a lay up,water retention/condensation etc etc)

man mades are a goodmethod of controlling foxes efficiantly ( lots of earths in a short space of time) and you would be surprised what you find in there (feral cats,pole cats,martin's,raccoon,badger................).



dint know there was raccoon in shropshire :laugh:
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