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combro chrono

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Hi there ,, i was wondering if anyone knows if its possible to calibrate or check the readings are correct on this type of chrono.i have had this one a little while but i am starting to doubt what im reading.i had my S200 in for a repair and was with the shop owner when he checked my gun, it was reading 11.2 ft/lbs at 160bar , but when i checked it on the combro im getting 10.2ft/lbs at 160 bar, i then checked my mates gun and it was reading 9 ft/lbs , just want to check if there a check /calibration for these or somewhere they can be sent to for this before i go and blow the last of my cash on the F1 type crono.



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yep mate , checked and rechecked the pellet weight was correct and was shooting into the pellet trap which was almost level with the gun, was in my garage as someone mentioned to me that the light could effect the readings ,will maybe try it again in the back garden and see if it reads any differnt ,other than that im stuck with what to try next .



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I had same problem with mine mate and it was because it was reading meaters per second instead of feet per second you can tell when you first turn it on. my mrs's brand new ultra was reading 9.2 yet at the shop only two hours previous it was 11.6 then I read the manuel changed it did the calculation and hey presto back to 11.6 but with out looking at my manuel I couldnt tell you how to do it but I will have alook when I get home and post up how to change it unless some one puts it up before me.

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hi there , thanks for replying, iv checked all the settings , im in grains and feet per second ,iv emailed combro and will see what they suggest,the gun cant have dropped 2 fft/lbs in half an hour from being checked at the shop, maybe iv done something wrong ,worked fine before tho.really frustrating as i like to know what my guns are putting out.



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hi there , iv just changed the batteries and the results have slightly improved ,i will check the sensors are properly set and see what the results are , my mate is coming up with his chrono and we will compare them and see what the difference is,i have no faith in mine now,i phoned combro and the guy was helpful,suggested batteries and ensuring the pelletis passing through the laser, if its still suspect i have to return it for repair and the cost will be no more than £7.50 max.So hopefully it will soon be resolved one way or the other.Im also going to the gun shop on friday so will take both my guns and get them rechecked there.cant help to be over careful i recon.



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