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I went to look at a rabbit job today in some horse paddocks,there were plenty of runs through the wire fence and once the horses are removed from the paddocks i would normally be happy to fence snare,however this fence is stud netting with only 3" square holes rather than the normal sheep netting,has anyone had any experience in fence snaring this stuff?,im amazed the rabbits get through it and i am wondering if it is possible to snare or not as there is not a lot of room to leave space for the feet to pass below the loop.I would love to watch them come through in slow motion to see if they come feet first or head first tucking their legs backwards underneath them.

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Hi, I came across some of this size mesh last yearI tried to set them along it but couldn't catch, I was amazed how the bunnies even got through the stuff, but they did.i ended up sitting out and picking them off with the rifle, I've never had a problem with the sheep net so I'm curious of how this is achieved on such a small hole?

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Try slightly smaller than the mesh, sitting nicely inside it, inline with the fence angle, when they travel through real tight spots, its difficult to miss... post your results..:)

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