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I haven't got ferrets but wouldn't mind at some point in the future.


What are the basic principles of keeping jills and grtting them mated when in season etc?


I know they can get Poorly or die if they aren't mated and I know they can be mated by a castrated hob or vasectomised Hob? Is this correct?


Would it be acceptable to keep a couple of jills and a vasectomised hob together year round?


Or do people just keep a hob seperate? Also what is the difference between vasectomised and castrated?





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vacs is just the snip so it is firing blanks wich will take ur jill out of season and castrated is when they have no balls as for castrated is iam not sure if they can take them out of season but iam not sure and for keeping all year long would depend on ur self some folk will use a vacs hob in with the jills all year long but i would still expect them too be dragging them about a fair bit if they were not seprated but saying this some 1 i know that has had ferrets for 30 odd years says he had no problems with not breeding them or knoking them out of season but every 1 too there own [bANNED TEXT]

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I haven't got ferrets but wouldn't mind at some point in the future.


What are the basic principles of keeping jills and grtting them mated when in season etc?


I know they can get Poorly or die if they aren't mated and I know they can be mated by a castrated hob or vasectomised Hob? Is this correct?


Would it be acceptable to keep a couple of jills and a vasectomised hob together year round?


Or do people just keep a hob seperate? Also what is the difference between vasectomised and castrated?






Hi Gareth,Vasectomised hobs bring jills out of season and yes a vesectomised hob and two jills would be ok ,although vesectomys dont always work and you would need

to make sure hes not shagging them too much. I keep one of each and have had them both done and they live in harmony.

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A vac hob still has the drive and would injur the jills if kept with them, a castrated hob has no sex drive so should be fine with jills anytime but can't get them out of season. You can also get a jill jab for around £20 to get them out of season.

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What would be the cheapest option? Keep 2 or 3 jills and get jabs?


Or keep 3 hobs and get them castrated when they are old enough? What's the cost of castration and spaying?


I have no interest in breeding.


Likewise would it be feasible to keep say 1 hob and 2 jills and just get them all castrated/spayed?


Thanks for replies



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Im getting my 2 hobs castrated £30 each on Friday, I got hobs first, back in late Febuary/early April and getting 2 jill kits on Saturday..


The reason im getting them castrated and not vasectimised is because I want them to live together, at the moment my 2 hobs fight constantly,and so there in seperate hutches for now, alot of peoples dont but every ferret is different and mine rag each other something rotten. However I have multiple mates who have both vasectimised and normal hobs, so im good no matter what I want to do. Weather it bring them out of season or breed. If your not so luky there are alot of really nice people here who if they are close would help you out when the time is needed im sure.


Vasectomy here is around £100.. it CAN fail though!


Another reason im glad I did it this way is because I will be taking 2 jills and 1 hob working with me, my hobs are big so anything the jills cant shift, the hob will go down, theyve been kicked to bits off some big nasty buck rabbits but they dont give up and usually end up dragging the rabbit out...there alot tougher than some ferrets ive seen... :)


Hope this gives you something to think about :)

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Thanks alot for replies folks.


I aren't sure which route to go down.


I'm thinking maybe get a hob and get him vasectamised. All of my mates have got jills so would be nice to have a Big Hob to shift bigger stuff and also he ciould bring my mates jills out of season.


Can a single hob live happily alone?



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The whole idea of getting mine castrated is so they can live together, I believe ferrets are happier when not on there own but mine have been alone 'till now.... So i cant imagine it doing much halm if its all they've known :hmm:

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Another avenue im explororing is to get 1 hob and 2 jills and get the job vasectamised.


He could then be used to being my mates Jills out of season as well a doing my own.


Would he abuse the 2 Jills all year round? Or would he just hammer them in season? Could this be a good combination?





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[bANNED TEXT] the best way ive found is too keep 2 cages any way u neva know when one is going too get sick so keep ur jills seprate after the vac hob has done the buisness untill he comes out of season then put him back in

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Would the vasectamised Hob do alright in a cage on his own?





yeh he will be fine but ferrets are sociable animals and like company try and introduce him to the others again in the winter when he is out of season and you will proberbly find they

will live fine together through the winter but it would be advisable to take him back out when he comes back into breeding condition (his nuts will grow bigger) ie march/april then take him

back out or he will start trying to s*ag anything that moves including castrated hobs not all ferrets are sociable but 99% are good luck with it mate

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