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Why are BASC so rubbish

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Is it me or has anyone else had enough of BASC……..they tell us that they are fighting for shooting…They are spending enough of our money, trying to convince us that they are doing a good job fighting for we shooters. It is a shame that they could not put as much energy into actually supporting what we the rank and file members want…but how exactly are they doing this? By taking a contract from the “Wildfowl & Wetlands trust!!! Why are they undertaking work from the very people who are trying to impose a lead ban?……and how do they conduct their survey?…..by buying wildfowl from game dealers……(how many wildfowlers sell on their birds?) not a truly representative way of analysing the situation (unless you want a lead ban)…And what do they do when they see the results? They publicise it??? How can this be allowed to happen….They tell us that they oppose the ban, but they are doing the spade work for a ban…..We have even read the minutes of their own meetings where they say that a lead ban is inevitable, and that they must prepare the members for a total lead ban…despite what they say in public…..BASC have lost sight of the fact that the reason they are there, is to represent the views of the shooting community, not to carry out their own agenda…..which frankly is dubious.


I am not a member of the Country Side Alliance, I have never ever been a member of the CSA, but when my membership lapses with BASC, I like many other people will be leaving BASC and joining the CSA.

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I may well do that "Shotup", its just to my mind, the only way I can demonstrate my anger with their policies is to remove my funding, and to give it to any organisation that understands that its there to represent my views........not do what it wants to do.

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No mate you are not on your own I left the bds/basc and ca I just don't think any of them have our best interest at heart in fact I felt that they where all pretty much up them selves I would love to know why they take all the members money and do feck all to promote our cause unlike the lacs who seem to manage to get adverts and media time whenever they like I will only support the NGO and to f**k with the rest of them :thumbs:

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I take it that i am in a minority of one then? Why is it when I speak to real country men, none of them have a good word to say about BASC. (PS The firearms department is very helpfull indeed)

I think its a good service for the money ,they have helped 2 of my mates with problems with there firearms and shotgun certificates .but like most things these days it depends if the person you speak to are pulling there weight for the money there paid atb omd

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I take it that i am in a minority of one then? Why is it when I speak to real country men, none of them have a good word to say about BASC. (PS The firearms department is very helpfull indeed)

I think its a good service for the money ,they have helped 2 of my mates with problems with there firearms and shotgun certificates .but like most things these days it depends if the person you speak to are pulling there weight for the money there paid atb omd

With you all the way tiddler66 and danw, BASC are a waste of space. (PS NGO have George Wallace as there firearms advisor for members- very clued up!)

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the main reason ,in my view,why theyve ceased representing the common man is money,they now make loads and dont want to rock the boat and lose revenue,its a shame as they could really dent the public view of the rspca.


this comming march they have near taken over the main arena at the westcountry game fair,now over 30% of the pitches are taken by them at over £750 per 9ft frontage!!

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its a shame WAGBI was a great org the BFSS also basc has become the cash cow of shooting but does not represent the rough shooter or wildfowler , there mag is cramed full of adds, they have lost there way , the new multimedia center has cost a fortune was it nessasary , shooting has pulled away from every other field sport when they should have put there full force behind the hunting act , it is run by hurrah henrys for hurrah henrys , what id like to know who gave them marford mill when it belonged to WAGBI i am a member for the insurance but do not like the way it is run in one issue of there mag they done an artical on deer poaching showing a picture of a man with a lurcher on a lead a beddy x whippet stood at the back of a van with a ferret box over his sholder and purse nets slung over the van door :icon_eek: i rang to complain some stuck up cow who wrote it said the local wildlife officer had gave the picture to her and said this is what deer poachers would look like :icon_eek: i went on to point out no thats what every one looks like going to do a bit of rabbiting and ferreting , and she had made them a target she came out with utter crap and gibberd on BASC :thumbdown:

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BASC, the great divide between countrymen and the editor of the magazine,with regards to the above,surely someone amongst the higher echelons at BASC, must have noticed the difference between a ferreter with a bedlington x whippet and a deer poacher :thumbdown:


now that for me just puts the icing on the cake,here is a company,a business ,wether your sport be shooting,ferreting,mole catching fishing etc... and they are portraying the normal rabbit catcher as a deer poacher....

is the fly fisherman a poacher mmmmm he could be :icon_redface: but then again NO surely not

The rabbiter with his rabbit catching dog YES he fits the sterotypical person,lets use him.


BASC no wonder people are leaving you by the droves.


The only way BASC will listen to us all ,is by leaving them and letting them know why.


bye :bye::bye:

Edited by akton
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I take it that i am in a minority of one then? Why is it when I speak to real country men, none of them have a good word to say about BASC. (PS The firearms department is very helpfull indeed)


Voted with my feet last year & joined NGO

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Much of what BASC do is great.....their Firearms Department is second to none.


But outside of a forum like this, there is no where that I can say how I feel towards BASC.


BASC do not always act in a way that I feel that I can support.


It is my belief that they have forgotten that its the ordainary punter that gives them the money and so they should represent their views.



The only real leverage I have is to deprive them of that money.


And I am glad to see that I am not alone in being frustrated by BASC. (well not glad but you know what I mean)


I am worried that we the ordainary rough shooter or wildfowler will be judged by the standards and behaviour shown on the large commercial shoots....They are the ones who sell large quantities of duck to game dealers. Why arn't they madde to keep their house in order? Does BASC listens to them.......Do the big shoots listen to BASC


And lets not forget that the lead ban is a poor law in the first place. It should always have been a lead ban by location not by species......who was party to this poor piece of legislation?


I am a member of BASC, but I am frustrated with them. I hope they change, but alas in the meantime, I feel I have no choice.

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Much of what BASC do is great.....their Firearms Department is second to none.


But outside of a forum like this, there is no where that I can say how I feel towards BASC.


BASC do not always act in a way that I feel that I can support.


It is my belief that they have forgotten that its the ordainary punter that gives them the money and so they should represent their views.



The only real leverage I have is to deprive them of that money.


And I am glad to see that I am not alone in being frustrated by BASC. (well not glad but you know what I mean)


I am worried that we the ordainary rough shooter or wildfowler will be judged by the standards and behaviour shown on the large commercial shoots....They are the ones who sell large quantities of duck to game dealers. Why arn't they madde to keep their house in order? Does BASC listens to them.......Do the big shoots listen to BASC


And lets not forget that the lead ban is a poor law in the first place. It should always have been a lead ban by location not by species......who was party to this poor piece of legislation?


I am a member of BASC, but I am frustrated with them. I hope they change, but alas in the meantime, I feel I have no choice.



I don't know of any shoots that give a rats ass for what the basc has to say and to be honest why the f**k would they the basc is a charity just like the rspca they do not make the rules/law and so long as shoots act within uk law where's the problem.

The simple fact is the basc are there to make money why else would they sell their own credit card?they are toothless and bow to the whims of politicians instead of standing fast and fighting our corner :thumbs:

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