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Tried to lamp my first fox

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I decided to go out with the lamp tonight and try and get a few bunnies. As I am shinning the lamp I get two sets of big eyes reflected back at me. We have a fox problem and have been loosing chickens so this was my opportunity to even the score. I keep the lamp just in front of the eyes and pop my fox call in my mouth whilst swapping the cartridges in my gun to some a bit beefier. I start squeeking away trying to get one of the two foxes to come closer. Nothing they just stared at me. Eventually I get fed up and decide to sneak towards the eyes in the hope of getting close enough to shoot. As I get a bit closer I realise that the eyes belong two rather confused cows. :wallbash:

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I decided to go out with the lamp tonight and try and get a few bunnies. As I am shinning the lamp I get two sets of big eyes reflected back at me. We have a fox problem and have been loosing chickens so this was my opportunity to even the score. I keep the lamp just in front of the eyes and pop my fox call in my mouth whilst swapping the cartridges in my gun to some a bit beefier. I start squeeking away trying to get one of the two foxes to come closer. Nothing they just stared at me. Eventually I get fed up and decide to sneak towards the eyes in the hope of getting close enough to shoot. As I get a bit closer I realise that the eyes belong two rather confused cows. :wallbash:


:11: ....could have been an expensive mistake if you took a shot :hunter:

Edited by dave1372
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