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feed or not to feed

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I have two albino jills about 8 months old,i take them out with a friend with polecats 4 yrs old,now my friend doesnt feed his the day before,i however feed mine as normal,my friends polecats are obviously more experienced,but what ive noticed is his seem to start working straight away(in the morning),where as my ferrets seem to take a while to get on with the job at hand(they tend not to go as deep,until later in the day,running in and out constantly)do you think this is purely down to less experience or should i starve them before a hunt and if so,how long?im interested to know other ferreters approach to this thanks......all the jokers,please..JOG ON!!!

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Don't forget mate your ferrets are only 8 months old, they haven't even worked a whole season yet, give 'em time they'll be OK ;) . I always feed mine as normal the day before and give 'em a light breakfast on working mornings. During the working day I give them bits (hearts lungs etc) out of the rabbits they've bolted.Don't try and work them on an empty stomach it's asking for lie-ups :thumbs:



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my ferrets are given a small bowl of food every day but if I am going out say on a Tuesday and its Saturday Just now I would give them a big bowl on Saturday and a Tiny bowl on Sunday on Monday they would get about half there normal amount in the afternoon and they'll get an egg in the morning before I go out, at lunch time I'll give them each A heart two lungs two kidneys and a liver of a rabbit, this keep them going fine all day without filling them up and making them lose desire to hunt.

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