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watchman thats a matter of opinion u didnt get the dogs out enough iam the little fella,u got dogs of my pal ,dave was knocking about with brownie at the time he had a handy bitch dave called bonnie what ever happened 2 it dont see no one just lamp on me own cant b arsed with teams :victory:

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Dog thieves are the worst scum out there. Though if people stopped buying grown dogs from sources they dont know 100% it would help.


dont be silly mate,lets not get off on the wrong foot here and go down the silly bickering route that we know so frequantly happens on here.......put it this way,when you stated..... "that is a matter

watchman thats a matter of opinion u didnt get the dogs out enough iam the little fella,u got dogs of my pal ,dave was knocking about with brownie at the time he had a handy bitch dave called bonnie what ever happened 2 it dont see no one just lamp on me own cant b arsed with teams :victory:

iv edited my childish reply lol


opinion on hear say mate,doesnt mean a lot to me im afraid :thumbs:

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tempa tempa [bANNED TEXT] like a little hobbit or a child throwing ya toys outa the pram because u dont get ya own way was gonna invite u out for some sport but cant b f****d ,[bANNED TEXT] one of them my dogs better than ures b lucky laters :thumbdown:

dont be silly mate,lets not get off on the wrong foot here and go down the silly bickering route that we know so frequantly happens on here.......put it this way,when you stated..... "that is a matter of opinion,and i never got the dogs out enough"..........then surely you could only be able to say this if you knew me personaly and actualy knew how much i got out and if you had actualy seen the bitch work,if this was the case i would except your critisism/opinion,but to go on hear say just isnt good enough for me im afraid.


iv never been of the opinion that my dogs have been any better or worse than anyone elses as i have not seen enough dogs working to make that statement as iv only been out with a few lads over the years, but you dont know me and i dont know you so it came across as a typical sweeping statement that you would expect from this site,and as we all know there is a big difference on here of people that actualy work their dogs and those that sit on here talking about it.


i dont ever give it..."my dog is better than yours"...only ever had one what i would call "decent" dog over the years,the rest have either been ok or completly shit and long time gone,theres plenty of lads on this site to fill that space long before i do mate,some with justification plenty without.

i also lamp alone 99% of the time,the times i been out with dave you could count on one hand over the years,there is only three other lads iv ever gone out with and that was a very long time ago.like you mate just cant be arsed


iv got a 2 1/2 year old bitch here only had her two weeks and busting my chops to get her on a run so lets put this petty shit to bed and not fall into line with the rest of the muppets on here at times and get out for a bit of sport mate,you might find im not the... "stroppy hobbit"...type of lad after all :D ,i just tend to say it how i see it thats all,let me know anyway cheers rob :thumbs:


iv sent you my number via PM :thumbs:

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these reputation points count for nothing in my eyes,no wonder iv got 50 odd,getting posts voted up on here for writing in bloody english most of the time and can be voted up by my bloody daughter sitting up stairs on a lap top :thumbdown:

your not a dog are you rob get your tongue out of his arse lol

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these reputation points count for nothing in my eyes,no wonder iv got 50 odd,getting posts voted up on here for writing in bloody english most of the time and can be voted up by my bloody daughter sitting up stairs on a lap top :thumbdown:

your not a dog are you rob get your tongue out of his arse lol

:clapper: make up your own lines,you and bricktop just no comparison mate,laters :D

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Fcuking hell all this banta I think to sort the men from the boys you should all come and have a lamp up on my farm. May the best dog win

im up for it mate,even with a dog i havnt run yet lol........didnt you help me with the posters at redbourne?if it was you top man appreciated that,seems the rotty not doing its job then mate on the guard front :thumbs:

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