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jay attacks dead squirrel

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a weird thing happened this morning in the woods i shot 2 squirrels but the second one as it fell to the ground had a jay fly down and start pecking at it as soon as it hit the floor i watched through scope after reloading and it just kept on screeching and pecking at the squirrel so i managed to bag him too and then noticed overhead magpies more jays and crows all screeming the noise was unbareable they were all circling and screeching overhead is this cos they hate having one of their own taken ?

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jays are usually very warey birds but this one was,nt at all i don,t usually shoot them very often...people say they are pests but rarely are, but having said that i don,t often see how many songbirds eggs and chicks they wipe out it could be hundreds or it could be no more than a few per year but even squirrels will eat birds eggs given half the chance, but they do do damage to trees etc...have had a fair few squirrels this year but last year over 100 from a twenty acre wood and now days squirrel is on the restuarant menu,s big time some people pay a fortune for squirrel meat i have tried them many times and have to say are very nice, but there is,nt much meat on them once skinned, but either way they never go to waste as dog gets em if i don,t :thumbs:

Edited by deanothehunter
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good shooting! beautiful jay, i leave them alone on ym shoot as there are plenty of songbirds and i dont feel any need to shoot them.



Hi bud. maybe i did,ant read it right.Did you say you would rarer shoot the songbirds than the jay.atb. Catcher.:thumbs:


no mate....never shoot songbirds only the pest species but i don,t shoot them often only if one presents itself like the jay did........i would,nt dream of shooting a song bird as i love watching them i just spent a fortune this weekend on fat balls, wild bird seed, peanuts, mealworms as i have lots of little visitors to my bird table at home ........sorry if i came over the wrong way :thumbs:

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i even get woodies collared doves to my bird table but don,t shoot them, i like watching them stuff their faces with food and it gives you a good idea about what they like and dislike and you get to see their habits and learn even more about them, i also get robins, dunnocks, blue and great tits, sparrows, starlings, greenfinches and many more and recently even had a sparrow hawk fly low over the garden checking out the small birds on table, what gets up my nose is the rspb and rspca look down their noses at people who shoot pest species cos they absolutely hate it, but they don,t see that we all shoot pest species for eating or because of the damage they do to crops or other birds, but we also love having wild birds in the garden not definately not to shoot at, but to feed and watch, i put up bird nesting boxes too but had no residents since last year which were 9 baby blue tits and i even saved the last one to fledge about 6 times where it could,nt seem to fly well and kept sitting on the ground calling parents so i put it in a high,ish tree loads of times as the neighbours all have cats it went in the end hopefully off with the others and not inside a cat........but even the general public hate shooting as they see rabbits, squirrels as cute and fluffy but they would all have a go at you given half a chance.

i once had it happen by a dog walker whilst ferreting as i had 3 rabbits dead on the ground and i was called all the names going but i thought no f**k you and gave back as good as i got saying do you eat meat her reply was yes but its from the supermarket :wallbash: i said oh so its fine for someone to kill your chicken for you her reply but thats different i said how is it all thats different is that someone killed it for you but you still eat it ...then i said so you give the supermarket manager the same abuse as me then cos he knows the killer she said no and went quiet then her husband showed up and appologised..............some people have no idea :no:

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good shooting! beautiful jay, i leave them alone on ym shoot as there are plenty of songbirds and i dont feel any need to shoot them.



Hi bud. maybe i did,ant read it right.Did you say you would rarer shoot the songbirds than the jay.atb. Catcher.:thumbs:


roughly translated...... i leave the Jays alone on my shoot,as their are plenty of songbirds about i feel no need to protect them by shooting the Jays :thumbs:


PS Deano you are completely exonerated.

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