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Lakeland x Patterdale

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Hi Guys


I am getting a Lakeland x Patterdale bitch pup tonight and would like to know if anyone has had this type of terrier and can give me some advice or tips on what I can expect, achieve and use to get the best out of the dog in the feild and in the home.


She is going to be used for working along with the ferrets but also a family dog with kids in the house; I have done my research on the net but wanted some experienced honest opinions.


I have had many dogs in our family home when growing up but haven’t had a dog for a few years and have my own family now.


A pic of the pups.


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Get it used to ferrets young or it will munch them ,i cant think of a worse dog to use ferreting than a terrier and i cant think of a worse type to use for rabbiting or with ferrets than a fell type terrier,there earth dogs through and through and like quarry to bite back there fiery and far to excitable and game for what you want thats just my opinion though, also get a collar for it otherwise you could end up digging it out of every rabbit sett around your location once its older i also think it will chew every rabbit that hits a net it can get to

regards hedz

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ive kept this type of terrier for near 20 years and i use them for earth work in that time ive had 1 that would tollerate ferrets in my presence ,i would not trust any of them not in my presence some of them make good bushing terriers but ive never seen a good ferreting one there is far better dogs out there for the task i think you will have problems in one way or another i think if you break them to ferrets young they will be ok but i wouldnt trust them if there blood is boiled or in the heat of the moment i also think you will end up digging it out of rabbit setts and i think a few folk will share that opinion

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ok thanks, that sheeds new light on what I have experienced with other terriers in the past and seen on the net, this is the reason I asked the question on here.


Does anyone else have the same opnion or another view of these terriers?


also I would appriciate any advice on how to get best out of the dog and not just the negatives but all advice welcome.

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I was going to wait till next year and get a pure Bedlington, do u think that would be more suited? and when i say work along with ferrets i mean marking and holding in nets not sending to ground with the ferrets or for running on to rabbits.

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having lakies and pats i tend to agree with hedz there not that kinda dog there digging dogs i d have gone for a beddie whippet myself for that sort of job they make good pets and good workers


if you decide on a beddie give me a pm iam sure i know of one to suit your needs

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Ya I have had a beddie whippet and that was the last dog i had, he is 13 going on 14 and retired now and lives with my nan. To be honest he was the best dog i ever had and would love another one like him but wanted to get a smaller dog and something with a little more fight in it. The missus aint keen on whippets either lol.


I have had and been out with terriers who have been great marking dogs and worked well with ferrets but I do know they can kill ya ferrets at a drop of a hat and have seen guys with terriers who have banged the ferret as it came out the set but also with good training seen them become good reliable dogs.


I would exspect u guys with terriers that have been trained to go to ground and kill to have dogs that would no doubt kill any ferret it could get its hands on.


Does anyone use there terriers for other methods other than going to ground?


And do the guys obove keep them outside or as part of the family?

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To be honest pal i dont do great amounts of ferreting only when i am invited on outing do i go in the time ive been working dogs ive only seen one terrier that worked well with ferrets and it was a plummer terrier cross most of the blokes i know who do it use small lurchers bedlington whippet hybreds or collie whippet greyhound types i have seen some great spaniel terrier hybreds working with ferrets though and to be honest i prefered them to the small lurchers the best ferreting dog ive ever seen was a cocker spaniel/russell crosss it was outstanding

regards hedz

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well got my new Bitch a couple of weeks ago now and she doing well, I did get it a little wrong as she is full Lakeland terrier out of good lines. To be honest im a lot happier with this as wasn’t keen on the Patterdale in it for what I wanted, as you guys above said they are a earth dog and hard to train with ferrets.


The fella I bought her off had Lakeland and patterdale pups not x's and he talked me through it when I went to have a look.



I was keen on getting a Bedlington but I am very happy with the choice of dog I have made and looking forward to the challenges ahead, I wanted a dog that could work the hard hilly ground I work, mark sets and be able to get stuck into the bush's. I didn’t want a dog that was going to run on across big ground after rabbits that had slipped the net. The other point Id like to make is that i wanted something a little more challenging and wouldn’t life be boring if we stuck to the same old thing and never tried something new..Just a thought!!!!!


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