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I have a wheaten dog which is 9mths old he has been killing full sized rats at 13 wks old.I know some of you might find this a bit young ,but this dog has got a screw loose .Do any of you digging blokes think hes a bit young to start with my black dogs.Im not new to the digging game.It just seems that the dog is ready for a bit of work.I normally wait about 12 to 15 mths with my bulls ,but this dog seems well I just dont fecking know?Sensible opinions please.

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Buckskin,I've had wheatens over the years,but at 9 months he's not ready for anything big yet.He may seem ready but I think no good can come of working a dog that young to a quarry that bites back.I too have bulls and I dont give them a look till their at least 15 months.Hold off as long as you can,I suppose a controled introduction just before the end of the season would be ok,tis a bummer I know holding him off til next season and wondering will he wont he.

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GregD's absolutely right: a dog's teeth aren't properly bedded into its jaw until about 11-12 months old: that's one of the reasons they often go through a rebellious stage about 9 months to a year old: the roots continue growing long after the visible adult teeth are through.

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the chap i got my wheaton x lurcher off has a wheaton terrier started it ratting about 12-14 mths old then on to bigger stuff shall we say at 18 mths old it aint looked back however the thing is totally off its box when it gets going and he has to keep it seperate from the other terriers and lurcher when kenneling ,totally hard as nails with good stamina and lets not forget great coat for the weather,good luck with the dog mate.

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