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Where I moor my boat in york is over run with Mink, a few years ago the anti's broke into a mink farm and released them all, this has caused problems on the river ouse as they just kill everything.

The mooring/pontoon next to my boat has mink on it regular and I have managed to shoot a couple with the air rifle but they dont stay still for long enough to get a shot.


My only other option would be to trap them.

As I don't know much about trapping could someone recomend a suitable trap, I do know where the runs are and presume some sort of trap using a tunnel would be the best option. Is is possible to make a trap rather than buy one, apart from the cost of buying one it would be more rewarding catching them in a trap i have made myself.

I would prefer a live trap if possible.

I have seen one trap involving a tunnel and a large spring trap that works abit like a rat/mouse trap, but worried other animals could get caught in this and killed by mistake, at least with a live trap other animals could be releasd.


If its not possible to make a trap could you recomend where to buy one from and the best type, pictures would be appreciated if possible because I dont understand the names of different trap types.

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I'm only there on a weekend fri night, sat night, back home sunday and to be honest its not ideal sat on the bankside or pontoon with a gun when family's are up and down on the river on boats and dog walkers are about. Although I have been told by the manager of the marina I can shoot the mink as long as i am descreet about it, I haven't actually got written permission off the owner and dont want to draw attension to myself.

I don't want someone complaining and then been told I cant kill the the mink.

Last week when i was there I did put some dog food on the pontoon next to mine and thats how i managed to get the 2 that I shot(I can only do this when there is nobody around), but I know theres more under the pontoon because I could see the ripples coming from under it and I kept seeing them darting about.

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google 'mink trap' you will see tons of pics on there... as for bait, some things that have worked for me are fish, rabbit, game, tinned sardine, another thing that worked well for me is that potted meat paste(fishy type) you get in the wee jars... leave opened in a warm place for a couple days or so, you will smell when its ripened lol, then hey presto mink bait, just smear on back of trap and a bit on the back of footplate.

Cover trap with either natural materials or make a wooden cover, so that it looks dark and inviting and easily accesible from the riverbank . good luck and good on you for doing a bit. hope this helps. DnN

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If you can find an out of sight run upon the banking, ideally under or around the pontoon then set a mk6 fenn or bodygrip within a tunnel, no baiting required, but make sure you restrict the size of the entrances to the tunnel.

Alternatively you can dig in or chain down and cover well a cage trap. Again you may not need to bait but if you do use fresh chicken/fish, there isnt much need in trying to use off food.

Mink are naturaly inquisitive and will check out your tunnel/cage out of interest.

The only thing that maybe an issue is the lack of cover or banking with good runs, although they are quiet well adapted in the water the mink is happier upon dry land and is likley to take the most direct route as it travels. As your seeing them swimming around the pontoon may sugest no adequate banking??


If you choose to use a trap of any form consider what else you may trap. Water voles are protected



There are some good posts within this section explaining and detailing the use of fenn traps and tunnels and also the use of cage traps, a good article was posted by ditchshitter about the placement of a trap for mink.


Remember to have a rifle to hand if you live trap to despatch your quarry.



Good luck, i hope you have success :thumbs:

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