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Need help on some airgun permission tips

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Anyone got any tips for a 15 year old needing some airgun permission?

I've asked around lots of places, knocked on doors etc to no avail :(

By the way, i am a safe competent shooter. I hit 10p groups out to 40yards with my hw97k.


None of my family shoot really, and neither do my mates.

I've tried & tried & tried, but always get turned down..

Cheers for any tips on blagging some permission :)

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Hi mate I'm 17 and I find that when my father comes with me to get permissions there is more success.


Also try get to know the farmers by helping on the farmyard and while at work drop hints about shooting for example , there is an awful amount of rabbits on your land you must be driven mad by them.


These are not definates but they will difinatly help you .





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Took me a while too matey.... luckily now i have a scooter and my gun's fit in the seat so i can go quiet far...


You cannot really do more than what you have already been doing... asking around is the best you can do mate


Uhm... other than that :S uhm i got no clue... keep asking it won't go wrong



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