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1st Time out never forgotten.

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Teacher training day and the weather was spot on so babysitting didn't sit too well. Only thing for it was to take my 6 year old out. He's been going on at me for ages but he's diagnosed with ADHD so can't stop talking at full volume and generally going berserk at the slightest thing.

So I expected a fair bit of digging but what I got was the first time I've ever seen him totally focused on something, the first time I,ve ever heard him whisper and even using sign language.

He can now tell you all about rabbits and wind direction etc. I reckon he learn't more that day than in 2 years of schooling, he loved it as you can see by his face. :clapper:

I can remember some of my first trips out as a lad but I don't reckon he'll ever forget this. Just need to fatten him up a bit so he can carry the lamp ;)

Oh and this is the first time i've tried to add a pic, hoping it works.

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nice one mate , great taking them out like that , i took my lil brothers out , there both 7 * twins* , never going to forget there face the 1st time my dog took a rabbit in front of them , 1 cried , 1 loved it :11: ,

he looks like he had a good day anyway :)



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cracking, taking kids out ferreting can either be the best days ferreting or the worst, glad you both enjoyed it


here's my 8 year old last weekend :)

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Thanks for all the replies guys.

I got introduced to it young and I think that's what makes the difference, I grew up in Cornwall but now live in a suburb of Birmingham. I go out walking with a group of guys who claim to love the outdoors but it always amazes me how half of them couldn't tell the difference between a crow and a buzzard.

We were down on some marshes in Kent recently by some MOD ranges when I saw a Harrier, the first I'd ever seen so I was quite excited(sad I know and I'm not a twitcher!). I described it to a guy who was supposed to be a warden of some kind as I wanted to know if it was a marsh harrier or a hen harrier. The only thing he said to me was " you didn't shoot it did you?" I could have belted the :censored: .

It's obviously a way of life thing and everyone has a right to their opinion but through shooting, falconry, ferreting and a load of other hunting over the years I've had a lifetime of pleasure from the outdoors.

Some people can't understand how practising different field sports has given me a greater respect for the wildlife and the countryside out there. My kids notice things when they're out and have a real respect for the wildlife out there.

Gets my goat sometimes. :diablo:

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