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can anyone tell me what bloat is and can it be cured jack had near fatal moment to day i took him on a long walk today and he ended up in a fit he was trying to vomit but nothing but air was coming out he was gasping for air and his tounge went blue i got him home with a mate in a van and he seems to be ok now he is laying in the garden a passer by said it looked like he had bloat tomorrow morning is the earlyst i can get him to the vets

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can anyone tell me what bloat is and can it be cured jack had near fatal moment to day i took him on a long walk today and he ended up in a fit he was trying to vomit but nothing but air was coming out he was gasping for air and his tounge went blue i got him home with a mate in a van and he seems to be ok now he is laying in the garden a passer by said it looked like he had bloat tomorrow morning is the earlyst i can get him to the vets


Have a look at this;







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thats all i need fu**ing vets in this part of the world just dont give a shit my poor dog showed all the signs fu*k sake :( :( :realmad:


Please get him to an emergency vet straight away, if it is bloat tomorrow will be too late. My DH had it last year three in the morning it was awful but we took him to a vet and they managed to save him. My friends dog was not so lucky.

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can anyone tell me what bloat is and can it be cured jack had near fatal moment to day i took him on a long walk today and he ended up in a fit he was trying to vomit but nothing but air was coming out he was gasping for air and his tounge went blue i got him home with a mate in a van and he seems to be ok now he is laying in the garden a passer by said it looked like he had bloat tomorrow morning is the earlyst i can get him to the vets

Hope he's alright.Get him to the vets as soon as you can.Let us know how you go on.Atb.Kev


can anyone tell me what bloat is and can it be cured jack had near fatal moment to day i took him on a long walk today and he ended up in a fit he was trying to vomit but nothing but air was coming out he was gasping for air and his tounge went blue i got him home with a mate in a van and he seems to be ok now he is laying in the garden a passer by said it looked like he had bloat tomorrow morning is the earlyst i can get him to the vets


Have a look at this;







Very useful link that. :thumbs:


i was told that if you feed your dog before going out or feed him right away from been out that can cause bloat dont no if its true or not.

Yes it is mate.Feed at least a couple of hours before or after exersise :thumbs:

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try not to feed your dogs directly before or after exercise (about an hour or so). also try elevating your dogs bowls, if your dog eats fast try slowing him down by placing a large stone in his bowl. all this will help by reducing the amont of air intaken by your dog when eating.

it is extreamly important that if you suspect your dog has bloat that you take him to the vets imeadiatley. bloat can kill fast!!

hope this helps.

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just in from checking him he is back to normal again was doing a bit of looking on the net an i dont think it is bloat [hopefully]

his belly is not swollen hes still going to the vet first thing in the morning

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if he has bloat hel be dead by the morning.... i lost a lurcher a few years back and almost lost a vizsla last year another 2hours later and the vet wouldnt of been able to save him...the biggest danger is the gut rots beyond repair....... catch and treat it early almost always an operation to untwist the gut!!! good luck [bANNED TEXT]!

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just back from the vets the dog is fine he dosnt have bloat and he is in good health other than being a bit stiff in his back legs. she thinks he is not used to having food in his belly when being exercised [my fault] i was overfeeding him trying to put weight on him. 3 small meals a day 2hours after exercise and he will be fine she says give him 2 long walks a day and let him wander about the garden as much as possible :D :D :D :D :D

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just back from the vets the dog is fine he dosnt have bloat and he is in good health other than being a bit stiff in his back legs. she thinks he is not used to having food in his belly when being exercised [my fault] i was overfeeding him trying to put weight on him. 3 small meals a day 2hours after exercise and he will be fine she says give him 2 long walks a day and let him wander about the garden as much as possible :D :D :D :D :D



Good !! :thumbs:



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