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had a brain wave

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well lads another saturday afternoon and bored shiteless so thought id take the air-rifle up to the local golf course for couple hours,although its usually packed up there this time of day there is still a nice wood over looking hole 14 wich offers a few regular shots,so what's the brain wave,well my pup is now 9 months and im busting a bollock to get her out lamping,she has not even seen a live bunny yet although retrieving with the rabbit skin dummy has come on very well,even got over the problem of her dropping it short every time at my feet.(just by continually walking away from her back turned)

so my plan was to get her to retrieve a shot bunny,not just any bunny though i wanted one that when hit with the air-rifle carried out the dance of death as i call it,you know the one,its stone dead but jumping around like a demented giraffe.

well i didn't have to wait long,the other side of the wood is a horse paddock,approached quietly with my bitch to heel,rabbit sitting on the fence line offered a good first shot,thwack as the .22 wasp hit home,and yes at 30 yards it flipped and jumped along the fence line,my bitch never saw it at first and i rushed forward encouraging her as i went,she then spotted the bunny and ran in,at this point it had dissapeared into the nettles,not a problem though she lunged in to claim her prize,with that ran straight back and offered it to me,oh there was a little moment when she stopped short as the horses ran over to investigate,but didnt bother her at all.

yes i know nothing like her running the lamp and catching her own,but the signs are good and another couple months,well hopefully all will be well,yeah i know bit long winded and hardly a brain wave, but better to be out doing something than spending half my summer on here,cheers lads rob


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Nice one rob, can only help build her confidence!

hi collie/grey yes that's what im hopeing for, although tagging along with my bullx seems to have given her plenty confidence in everything else she does,struts around here like she owns the bloody place sometimes lol,atvb to you,i know you been through the mill a bit with your own :thumbs:

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I personally like a dog with a few strings to its bow, i have done the same as you with my beddy whippet when he was younger . . . . imo a dog that is taught to do many different things, will go on to be a better dog than one used for a single working purpose. The bond you will create with training and time spent getting her to do lots of different tasks will be priceless. :thumbs:

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I personally like a dog with a few strings to its bow, i have done the same as you with my beddy whippet when he was younger . . . . imo a dog that is taught to do many different things, will go on to be a better dog than one used for a single working purpose. The bond you will create with training and time spent getting her to do lots of different tasks will be priceless. :thumbs:

to be fair iv never had what i would call a complete all-rounder,this bitch was bought in with this intention in mind so as you say going to try and get her to do as many different tasks as i possibly can,seems to be ok at the moment but then she is only 9 month,so plenty time yet, :thumbs:

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took this as well on the way back to the car after taking a crow high on a conifer she ran in on it but sniffed and left it,maybe because it was stone dead,she did pick up an injured pheasant last month so hopefully get the retrieving of feather up to scratch within the next few months as well


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