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Guest Frank

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As it says on the tin. :)

I found a source for me ferts, when they have no rabbit, not easy i can tell you over here and they are 50 cent each. :blink:

Do you think im paying too much?

I have tryd to find a hatchery, but to no avail, their not too common over here, well in my local area anyhow. :rolleyes:



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That's a rip off Frank, twenty odd years ago we used to travel about 10 miles to a hatchery that left out massive vats of freshly killed d.o.c.'s on a monday and thursday morning when they did the culls of all the male birds. They were free to anyone who wanted them and we used to fill two plastic bins on the back of a trailer for dog and ferret feeding. You had to get there before 10:00 a.m. because they were picked up for incineration after that. Years later they began boxing and blast freezing them and you had to pay £5 per box, but the box was as heavy as you would want to be carrying, with hundreds of chicks. Alas this hatchery closed down a few years ago and I had the very last box they sold. You want to find out where the nearest hatchery is to you and get direct from them.

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Thats right Chilli, i know that thanks and will still be giving them rabbit. I am also feeding them rats, i get from pet shops which are frozen for snake food, aswell as some mice.

The chicks are as a substitute for when i have no rats, rabbits, mice, pigeon, pheasents, duck, venison ect. ;)



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I used to get them for £20 a thousand then sit bagging them up into bags of 10 and in the freezer. Not used them for years as i think they are crap. Basically its an egg with fluff on not a shell, after they have been eating for a week or so they are better. Have you got any broiler cabins round your way? I used to go and get culls for free, ones that weren't growing the same rate as the others.


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Nice one Frank, the stinkers will do much better on them too :) I'd get the broiler hens myself still if i had freezer space, mine has about 90lb of mince and half as much lamb necks for the dogs in it. The ferret food ive got in there is a couple of rabbits and a fair few pigeons down the side of everything.

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I have at last found a supply of not day olds, but 8 weeks old, should be better and their free. :yahoo:


Cheers all. :)




thats better, i can get wood pigeons for about 10p each, also sometimes get cockerals free a dozen at a time about 3 months old also ferral pigeons for free i have had up to 60 at a time of them then they get rabbits and whatever roadkill i can find

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