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As explained in an earlier topic I have come back to airgunning after a 35ish year break (I'm a bit of a Dinosaur), so please excuse my ignorance :icon_redface: . I have been wondering what advantage/difference the shorter Carbine rifle has compared to a standard air rifle? :hmm: , and the biggy......which is best for hunting, or are there pros and cons with both, I suspect the standard air rifle is the hunting machine but maybe I am just stuck in my ways :blink: .


By the way, hail to you for your advice on the best hunting springer :notworthy: , I am enjoying reading and researching :thumbs:

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I believe that with modern PCPs there is little difference in accuracy with variable barrel lengths (although I am prepared to be shot down in flames on this). For the distances most shoot at, a shorter barrel will do the job just as well as a full length one. Look at the accuracy of rifles like the BSA Ultra or WH100k

However with the shorter barrel generally comes a shorter air cylinder and, consequently, less shots per fill.


If you are shooting from a vehicle or a hide a carbine is a must, as it enables you to move the gun around quickly and efficiently without getting caught on netting, wing mirrors etc.





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Hi, PC.


A shorter barrel on a springer makes no difference to the accuracy at all. The important stuff happens in the first ten inchs or so of the barrel in a spring guns. The same's not true for PCPs, as has been said, but I'm assumeing you're still not after one??


Go for a carbine every time if you can, much easier to handle in a confined space, hide, car, woodland etc.



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I use a carbine type springer, as far as I'm aware the HW57 only comes in one barrel length. I don't think barrel length makes much difference for springers as regards accuracy. Short barrels make more noise but they are easier to use in confined spaces, sheds hides or whatever. Longer barrels are easier to cock though, because there is more leverage.

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I opted for the carbine version of the s410. Its lighter, and easier to handle when im out in the field. For me, i couldnt see any difference in accuracy between the classic & carbine and the only "downside" is the lower number of shots the carbine one has. But, when your talking of 70+ shots from the carbine anyway, thats more than enough for 3 or 4 hunting trips for me!

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