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yet another stolen dog

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Lets not turn this thread racial it could of been anyone , not neccesarally travellers,

if anyone can help this guy they must , dog theives are the same as pedos lets hope they get caught and dealt with properly not by the law , so lets not get the thread taken off, hope you catch them atb phil

come on now 99.9% of stuff robbed are done by travellers, they love terrier's and lurchers! come to my yard,i dare you :gunsmilie:


I am not a traveller tho i have met many many travellers , some are scum that will theive anything ,

but many are decent hard working folk , much the same as we are .i have met some diamonds well educated and most articulate gentlemen of the travelling community ,the same as i have met theiving scum who are not travellers, good and bad in all i think.

but the main point was lets not wreck this thread when someone needs help

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a man had 14 terriers stolen on him not30 mile from house 2 days ago this is becoming a joke and guess what they were driving........................a grey hiace with an orange beacon light on top ....now which group a people drive them in ireland?????????????????????

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i can say one thing... if they in tranny vans it could be gypsys thats all they drive.


you fackin prick :feck::feck: ......sorry to say mate i have the following vehicles..1998 discovery...2002 110 double cab...rs turbo and a new m3..no feckin transit..i travelled for many years.my family are gypsies..i made my money from dealing and buying and selling land for development so gorjer pricks like you have house's to live in..I HAVE NO CRIMINAL RECORD FOR THEFT!!!!.. so you live in a house and hunt?? you on the dole?? smoke dope and fiddle with kids?? keep your racist statements to your feckin self.....


sorry to hear about these dogs gettin stolen hope you find them and string them up!!! probably dis honest house dwelling scum bags!!!!!!

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i can say one thing... if they in tranny vans it could be gypsys thats all they drive.


you fackin prick :feck::feck: ......sorry to say mate i have the following vehicles..1998 discovery...2002 110 double cab...rs turbo and a new m3..no feckin transit..i travelled for many years.my family are gypsies..i made my money from dealing and buying and selling land for development so gorjer pricks like you have house's to live in..I HAVE NO CRIMINAL RECORD FOR THEFT!!!!.. so you live in a house and hunt?? you on the dole?? smoke dope and fiddle with kids?? keep your racist statements to your feckin self.....


sorry to hear about these dogs gettin stolen hope you find them and string them up!!! probably dis honest house dwelling scum bags!!!!!!


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i can say one thing... if they in tranny vans it could be gypsys thats all they drive.


you fackin prick :feck::feck: ......sorry to say mate i have the following vehicles..1998 discovery...2002 110 double cab...rs turbo and a new m3..no feckin transit..i travelled for many years.my family are gypsies..i made my money from dealing and buying and selling land for development so gorjer pricks like you have house's to live in..I HAVE NO CRIMINAL RECORD FOR THEFT!!!!.. so you live in a house and hunt?? you on the dole?? smoke dope and fiddle with kids?? keep your racist statements to your feckin self.....


sorry to hear about these dogs gettin stolen hope you find them and string them up!!! probably dis honest house dwelling scum bags!!!!!!

bang on bro its all to easy to point the finger :clapper: but theres a lot of want abees out there

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Paul, if you want to pm me any information/descriptions, i will ask about. Good luck. JD

darcy, could we have something pinned that includes photographs of stolen dogs for refrence? :hmm:

There has now been a topic pinned for people who have been unfortunate enough to have their dogs stolen,its in the lost and found, a description of the dog/s along with a photograph would be good,please take the time to look

Thankyou,regards kate

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