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I Have 3 non working females 1 albino and 2 polecat / sable sisters !! they have a 6ft x 4 shed that they sleep in and a large seperate run, however one of the sisters keeps escaping the run she is actually scaling a solid wall climbing about 3ft before going over the barrier the other two have not bothered what ever i try she has conquered !! hubby said to leave them in their sleeping shed until he can sort something out but I feel guilty that they are stuck in there !! Am i just being over sensitive or do other people keep their fuzzies in smaller enclosures for longer periods of time !!

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I've got a 'Houdini' amongst my lot too...........doesn't matter what I try, the wee bugger will still manage to get out unless she's shut in her run. My last 'brainwave' was to use a length of heavy-duty cardboard tubing from industril clingfilm along the top of their exercise run (along the same lines as HM prisons use to keep the bad lads in) Didn't make a bit of difference..............after haf an hour spent scoping it out, the wee menace managed to find a way, & sat on top of it looking at me with a very smug expression :wallbash:


I'm considering velcro-ing her to the wall as my next measure :rofl:

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i got 5 at the mo.and one ploecat jill is a houdini,any little gap any where in the yard and she is out,can climb on top of the shed,dont mind that but she has a habbit of just launching herself,at where she wants to be,visions of her jumpimg over the fence,its 2 mtr,s high,little buggers,you need eyes in the back of your head with them,ha ha ha,oki doki ian

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letting them run in the garage where they can not escape for the time being however my little houdini now sits on top of the freezer waiting for one of the unsuspecting kids to open the door and she is launching herself at the door as it opens !! funny to watch !!

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