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I only arsked . . .

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Who do we hate by night and day?

We hate the RSPCA

Who do we love? I would guess,

We love the good old SAS.


Dog fighting is so cruel and sick,

Those thugs should all be in the nick,

And now we see in the press today,

That the RSPCA

Just broke a big dog fighting gang

With the help of an undercover man

Who fought with his mates in the SAS

And hated cruelty . . .


None of the questions we ask have easy answers. Steve Ibinson faced many death threats from the dog-fighting gangs. So far as I am concerned he was a genuine hero. He did what he believed was right and, in the end, died doing it

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What did I miss then??


I remember the dog fighting program and whilst I don't agree with dog fighting having a worm like that wiggle In and then grass you Isn't on IMO. What would you say If someone did the same on the hunting scene? Just goes to show you can't trust anyone :ninja:

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What did I miss then??


I remember the dog fighting program and whilst I don't agree with dog fighting having a worm like that wiggle In and then grass you Isn't on IMO. What would you say If someone did the same on the hunting scene? Just goes to show you can't trust anyone :ninja:


For a start hunting, with dogs, ferrets, or guns, is legal. These scumbags were setting pitbulls and crosses against each other in pits which just happens to be illegal. Ibinson found one dog which looked like it had been shot in the face with a sawn-off. These folk heroes used to kill their losing dogs by plugging them into the mains with crocodile clips. Bad things happen even on the legal scene but we don't want that to happen. Well, I don't. I kill but I try to kill clean and quick. You may enjoy inflicting pain for the sake of it but most hunters feel differently.


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I kill but I try to kill clean and quick. You may enjoy inflicting pain for the sake of it but most hunters feel differently.


Nope, I never mentioned inflicting pain for the sake of It so don't know where you got that from :blink:


The program was very one sided, as you'd expect from the BBC. After all they have done similar things with hunting In the past making all hunters look like monsters.


From what I remember of the program there was no evidence of a dog being electrocuted either, Just all the power went off. I may be wrong, my memory Is crap and this program aired a fair while ago but remember watching It think It was more BBC bullshit :yes: As for the dog that looked like It had been blasted with a shotty, I can't remember seeing that? - Any working dog will pick up injuries. Even rabbit dogs will get cuts, scars, etc my dog will prove It. Terriers will get peppered too which may look terrible to those that don't know.


I'll say again, I DO NOT support dog fighting or agree with It In anyway. I do however feel the program was done In a similar fashion to the hunting ones (to make the subjects look as bad as possible) and the guy shouldn't have been In the loop In the first place but more fool the lads involved for letting him In so easily and It's a warning to everyone else..

Edited by maty j
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Guest lurchers&terriers

lowest of the low these kinda people baiters and dog fighting lot. i mean how can they do it how can they be so dam right sick. Every single one of them need a straight jacket and locked up because if you can do that and sleep at night there not bloody right in the head

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Who do we hate by night and day?

We hate the RSPCA

Who do we love? I would guess,

We love the good old SAS.


Dog fighting is so cruel and sick,

Those thugs should all be in the nick,

And now we see in the press today,

That the RSPCA

Just broke a big dog fighting gang

With the help of an undercover man

Who fought with his mates in the SAS

And hated cruelty . . .


None of the questions we ask have easy answers. Steve Ibinson faced many death threats from the dog-fighting gangs. So far as I am concerned he was a genuine hero. He did what he believed was right and, in the end, died doing it


Just for the record I wasn't talking about any TV program. There is a report in the press today about a woman who has been running a dog fighting ring in Lincolnshire. She - Claire Parker - has been convicted for holding dogfights, cruelty to animals, and possession of three pitbulls. Steve Ibinson, who infiltrated her gang, had also helped break up a paedophile ring, helped the police track down two murderers, and helped close down a puppy farm. He died of a heart attack in Afghanistan while infiltrating an opium ring. The dog fighters were smuggling marihuana and using the dogs as guard animals. I stand by what I said. In my book he was a hero.


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