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When is the Portman Hunt show.....????

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Right then, Phoned them up for the Postcode (thanks Hyperion :good: ), but they didn't have it! so gave me directions instead, As busterdog said turn off the bypass at the Tesco's roundabout and follow the road to the end and some big posh gates (Bryanston school) Turn left in front of these gates then First right, (called 'New road') the Show will be sign posted from there.


They will also be doing refreshments thenselves to try and raise some more cash, so no packed lunch required!


Hope this helps,







Edited by bullmastiff
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Nice to see you again and your dogs.

Had a great day with my Chase winning the lurcher championship.

Hope you can make it on 2nd August.


Was good to see you both again and congratulations for Chase's win :good:


Well another good Hunt show considering I'd only had a few hours sleep and the missus had none. I picked up a nice Pheasant painting for a tenner within ten minute's of arriving.



The photo doesn't really do it justice. (it's the first painting I've ever bought!)


Then on to pick up a beer where I saw Blaine, Hyperion's stunning 11 month old collie x Pharaoh Hound... :D so popped over to have a chat and be mauled by this rascal of a pup! who also tried doing Roo up the wrong'un, cheeky bugger!.

Was then introduced to the lovely Miss T who kindly clipped the dogs nails for me :good: she then spent the next half hour helping my daughter walk her dogs Tarka and Meg up and down the driveway :icon_redface: (sorry again).

I spent most of the afternoon sat, supping beers, chatting with Hyperion and Miss T, watching the Lurcher's (and wondering who Miss T would knock out first!)

I also met a Keeper friend from awhile back who told me the harvest will be down in two weeks and he wants the land cleared of ALL vermin am I available??? :yahoo:

I only entered Roo in the Working fitness class, who as normal didn't get a second glance, we'll get their one day! (just maybe not with big and ugly!) LOL :clapper:

Miss T entered Tarka in for the Poachers companion (basically an obedience class) and did bloody well considering she had to sit facing the Terrier racing with a Lure running up and down! but she failed to retrieve a damn tennis ball so came third.

She then kindly lent Tarka to my 12 yr old sister-in-law for a couple of classes and won another 3rd and a 4th :clapper:


After the show, we decided to take the dogs to a field to stretch their legs and have a run together but as normal, Roo was only interested in one thing and was soon off working the hedge. He then disappeared down the hill and through the bottom fence (to be found snorting down a Fox Hole)

Tarka and Tia being older, watched on as Blaine screamed around us, flat out chasing any of the dogs that moved! and nailing the Terrier at every opportunity (by Christ will he be a quick dog when he's older!!!)


As were walking back, Roo being the considerate dog that he is, thinks that everyone must be hungry after all this running about so nips into the hedge and comes out with a bloody headless rabbit.

A bit of portion control by me and thats 4 dogs with a bit each (soon to be stolen back by Roo as they couldn't inhale as quick as him :icon_redface: ) Then quick farewells and off to the pub for a Venison Roast dinner! and a shandy or two.


So on the whole, I had a cracking day out!


Thank you both for your company today, it's been a good'un!.


All the best,



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Guest hyperion

nice write up luke!


cheers for letting me steal your rollies mate, if your ever down my neck of the woods your more than welcome to come for a mooch! :yes::thumbs:




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