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England Becomes Islamic State?

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I dont think its just england I think the whole entire world is becoming islamic, I came across this link where this nut case made a speech and I couldnt believe my fu**in ears!


Then theres this link this pretty much sums up what is happening in the world today what are your thoughts on this?>>>>>>>


>>>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WWCWB3RwbO4...player_embedded <<<<<

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Its happening faster than we think like the town were i live a church was converted into a mohsc without planning permission and the council did nothing about it but an english chap who converted some waste ground at the bottom of his garden into a pond for wildlife was told to turn it back to a barren wasteland. :angry::gunsmilie:

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Just watched them both,Brown a total waste of a good skin...he is only arse licking the muslims cos he thinks he'll get there votes because face it he ain't getting any from anyone else.....

The second film got me thinking,when you look at most of the islamic countries there shit holes,lovely countries just run into the ground.All the in fighting that goes on between different factions,they can't agree on which way to stir there tea let alone anything else.....

My point is which country are they going to over ruin if they take over? ,to quote Yazz and the plastic population"the only way is up"thats right the moon, a lot of them will feel at home there as it's dirty,dusty and lacking in atmosphere like a few fanatical run cities...

I'm as rascist as the next man,and can see this coming and god or allah will be the only one to save you....i'm an old man and it upsets me that my children and grandchildren will be left with all this fallout,dished out by a bunch of spineless two faced politicians that will sell out the normal working man no matter what colour for the muslim vote,because they know that sooner or later they will be the majority.

Over & out

May God have mercy on all your souls ;)

Just my opinions TA

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the unelected waste of a good shag what the fcuk is he still in power for the arse licking b*****d talks like hes a fcukin muslim the hateful bas**rd. i dont want to no anything about the muslim bast**rds let alone here it from that fat t**t :censored::censored::wallbash::wallbash:

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