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About Abbo

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  • Birthday 03/07/1984

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  • Interests
    Digging to terriers. Lurchers, firearm shooting and hunting
  1. f**king irritates me. we all get tarred with the same brush.
  2. I bought the B+F blue graft which broke within 10 minutes of digging with it, was not impressed! I always use bulldog tools now. I also have a silverline fan shovel for clearing which was cheep but doesnt get the strain that you put on a graft or spade.
  3. Would definatly keep the new one seperate for a while, just untill it has matured. then try adding them together again. Might just need time to sort a pecking order out. Could try keeping the young one together with a more settled older ferret that doesnt try to kill it, this way it may learn that not every ferret will want to try and beat it up!
  4. Hutch wasnt painted, vet didnt seem to know but did point towards the soft food becoming wedged in the upper jaw and creating an infection. wasnt too sure about this diagnosis myself as i had fed cat food for a number of years with no problems. antibiotics didnt help but they did go down hill very quickly(36-48hrs).
  5. I lost 4 ferrets this year due to what seamed to be abcesses in their mouths, i try to feed on flesh but cccasionaly feed dry food or tinned cat food. I was feeding tinned food at the time and wondered if anyone else has encountered anything like this? All my ferrets are kept in a large shed which is cleaned reguarly so hygene was not a factor.
  6. Definatly with you on that!!!!!!!
  7. A locator isnt essential but it does makes life alot easier! i use a hob in the same way you would a a line ferret but with a collar instead of a line. That way if one does decide to lay up you just slip the hob in and follow him to the rabbit, also means the other ferrets can pass through nets without a collar getting snagged. A collar will also save you from waiting in the rain for a ferret that has decided to lye up! My ferrets rarely lye up but i am not ashamed to say that they have done, most will! If they dont lye up most will kill under and without a collar you will be wasting rabbits!
  8. Dont see what the problem is in shooting some hare! i would do the same if the farmer on any of my permission asked me to. I prefer to dig foxes, but to ensure i dont lose ground i dont mind lamping some if they are becoming a nuisance.
  9. Can anyone help? i wondered how easy it is to get my Honda 450 quad legal for the road as an agricultural vehicle?
  10. my dream was rather twisted, in it i proposed to my girlfriends uncle!! I also frequently dream that i go out with a hunt that actually finds foxes and hunts them for longer than 2 fields. now that one really is dreaming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. I'd agree with that,i always take a large fan shovel very handy for clearing. Also i take a graft, 2 small bulldog spades(i usually dig with a mate) and a 4ft bar because alot of the land i dig has limestone about 3-4ft down. A friend also digs with a large bulldog fork which works surprisingly well in certain situations. I hunt on a quad so i dont have to worry about having too much kit, when i got about on foot always made do with the small bulldog spades and a bar.
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