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Posts posted by Lenmcharristar

  1. 9 minutes ago, jukel123 said:

    Here's a question . Slightly off thread but still relevantish. How did we arrive at a situation where we are America's gopher? We've probably all seen the clip where Bush was chomping on a chicken leg and Blair was standing at the side like an apologetic waiter which really sums it up.

    What are the historical reasons we ended up on the wrong end of this power relationship? Even are new bulletins are American centric and not Europe centric. Any answers?

    Weak, apologetic leaders, and to be honest of the USA didnt help during ww2, chances are we would all be doffing a middle of the lip motang and speak German, so i guess for their help we give ours, its all about being in the club of elite countries that dominate the world

  2. 9 minutes ago, iworkwhippets said:

    Now then my friend, I've had to pull you up about your spelling before, it's courtesy , that's a good lad, 

    Now then, now then, jewellery, jewellery, rattle, rattle

  3. 2 minutes ago, kanny said:

    Again Where's the outrage for Muslim kids dying in conflict in Darfur? It appears that Muslims killing Muslims is quite acceptable but when Israel defends its self against  Islamic extremists on its door step everyone loses their chit...I wonder why?


    The European Union (EU) condemned on Sunday an escalation of violence in...


    The same as black on black

    • Like 2
  4. On 04/11/2023 at 19:04, paulus said:

    I like to set myself a challenge each winter, This years challenge is to catch a Perch 4lb or over on the local Canal using a centrepin and bobber float. I have made a couple of Bobbers the one in the picture is for Lobworms and i have another double the size for small live baits, This will be a very hard challenge as in over 50 years of fishing the local canals the biggest perch i have managed was just over 2 1/2lb a couple of years ago, Knowing my luck i will be catching Zander, Bream and Carp Lol

    Do any of you lot set yourselves challenges? 



    Just needs to grow a bit lol


    • Haha 1
  5. 2 minutes ago, dogmandont said:

    Does anyone think that the Israelis knew what hamas had planned and let it happen? 

    There was a very real chance of civil unrest in Israel up until the hamas attack but that has now all but been brushed aside. 


    With modern governments, anything is possible, but if that got out it would be bad for israel

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  6. 1 minute ago, Daniel cain said:

    That silly cnut drakeford has set the wheels in motion to cripple Wales...hes been apparently stepping down for the last 2 yrs...but been busy pushing his agendas through the senate, without asking anyones opinions... slippery 🪱

    The way the uk is heading some of these corrupt mps will end up on a 1 way ticket to permanent retirement. I think and hope the silent majority start pushing back against all this self ruin, woke attitude

  7. 2 hours ago, kanny said:

    Yeah civic nationalism is a bit of a cop out imo , I'm not a great fan of ethno nationalism either,  something in the middle for me , I have no problem with skilled people being here, just not every man and his 12 dogs lol.

    Same here

  8. 27 minutes ago, WILF said:

    Imho, we are missing a trick with nationalism in Britain.

    We already have accepted mainstream nationalism in Wales and Scotland, those party’s are in power ! 
    However there is a toxic narrative around English nationalism…..so, instead of keep trying to be the blunt instrument we should be tapping into the nationalism that already exists and is accepted by selling a brand of British nationalism.

    The nationalist mindset exists, people vote for it in Wales and Scotland….so these minds are open to that message of you are careful about how you deliver it. 

    British nationalism already exists, but is dying out, its here in northern ireland, 

    • Like 1
  9. 11 minutes ago, kanny said:

    Arrests have been made throughout the day as protests took place in the capital amid a...


    The palestine activists are totally innocent the parachutist's images are of a sponsored skydive bought and paid for by sinn fein, all to raise money for helping build annugu, africa, they were just going about their daily business of executing and raping non believers, mainly the jews, how dare the met police arrest them

    • Haha 1
  10. Just now, paulus said:

    Its been said that is what her ultimate goal is, But that will be after a term under Starmer. Will there be anything left after that Lol

    God only knows mate, prob be civil war before starmer finishes, she would be better joining reform uk, or her and farrage would make a better team running the tories, at the miniute i think suella is great

  11. 2 minutes ago, paulus said:

    Now there's another question, All these billions of pounds worth aid given every year, who is accountable for what happens to it. How can  any Country be allowed to survive solely on aid? They certainly play the game a lot better than we do, 

    Exactly all the billions given from white countries and yet the lazy black kunts still want reparation money????? Just ship them all home and let them fend for themselves, see the poof, tranny, womens rights disappear like a pensioners wallet on the tube journey. (Stolen by the blacks), Its long over due, but close to stopping all the nonsense, suella braverman would make a far better PM than richy rishi, hands down

  12. 9 minutes ago, paulus said:

    Do these protestors not think about what they are protesting for?. Hamas was voted in democratically by the Palestinian people back in the early part of 2000, They promptly killed all opposition leaders, They have vowed to obliterate the Jewish Nation.

    If this was about peace why are the protestors not caring both Palestinians and Israeli flags? 

    The Israeli's have proved that Hamas is using Hospitals, Schools and other public building as there bases, 

    I can only conclude that the Palestinian people support Hamas in the agenda to Wipe out the Jewish nation. How would a two state solution work given this situation? 

    Not going to happen, the jews are protected by the big man above, every nation thats tried has been all but wiped out, look at the bible and modern history, all tried and failed. Also build a big feck aff wall like over here and live separately, its the only way as the camel jockeys are still stuck in the 600’s ad, hamas has been in power 23 years and its still a shit hole, they are taking the aid money and buying weapons with it, not helping their peoples 1 bit, so its their own fault for it going tits up ffs, the same shit happens in africa, for 40 years they have received billions but are just genetically lacking in common sense, i guess its all the inbreeding theyve done, just revert back to type given half a chance

    • Like 2
  13. 27 minutes ago, WILF said:

    I just had a quick look, guess what all the headlines are ?

    Well, let me start by telling you what they ain’t……they ain’t “Muslims Pro Hamas supporters run riot in our capital and desecrate our memorial to our dead”

    No, what they are is “Drunken far right thugs clash with police by the cenotaph and 92 of them are arrested”

    I bet that really won a load more people over to the cause of nationalism !…..reckon they will be voting for their local nationalist candidate ?…..nah, me neither ! 

    Also shows its being funded and comes from higher up, these same peoples protest at every one going, they are the rentamob, follow the money and youll catch the perpetrators 

  14. 1 minute ago, Tesla said:

    You have lapped up Cruella's rhetoric like a good boy, understandable when you have shit for brains.

    If your waiting on my come back youll have to get it from your mums teeth

    • Haha 2
  15. 1 minute ago, Tesla said:

    Is this the default setting of the clinically brain-dead? 

    You don't even know what you're rabbiting on about. Lol

    You left out right wing nazi, remember  that later, shout it loud and proud, followed by the river to the sea chant too einstein. 

    • Haha 1
  16. 1 minute ago, Tesla said:

    You couldn't trigger a mousetrap, don't flatter yourself lol.

    You just speak nonsense, a typical grifter.

    Yeah, yeah, quick run to your we gang of homos, one of them may have been mis gendered, and dont forget to wear your best rainbow swastica shirt and your palestine flag and get your green or blue hair dye put in and file your finger nails into a point, thats you combat ready

    • Haha 2
  17. 11 minutes ago, Tesla said:

    You are a mongol with shit for  brains, one of the type to piss on the monument whilst you cry about the Muslims.

    You can't educate pork I guess.

    So what part triggered you karen? Do tell

    • Haha 1
  18. W

    23 minutes ago, Tesla said:

    Give it time, like you say, it's nothing, completely respectable from a bunch of pacifists.




    What your forgetting to say is the cenotaph doesnt need protecting from british patriots, it needs protecting from islamic whack jobs, Republicans and the left wing, you know the type, the self loathing, white, liberal, support every banner and flag thats going on a protest, the traitor, the shite hawk, you know the very same group your in and who you took this info from, anwar, look at all his we emblems on the top of his page, what the media and police have done is to blame it on the people who turned up to protect the cenotaph, but sure any sane thinking person knew this was to happen, again they protect the perpetrators and blame the victims, Shout racist to stop any argument, now feck off ya spastic

    • Like 3
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  19. 4 hours ago, TRUEBRIT66 said:

    Trade Unions blockading arms factory in Kent.........................Not for the working man, not for more pay, not for better conditions, but to protest against them supplying Israel and keeping them all in work.   

    Why anyone pays to be a member of these treacherous organisations is beyond me. 

    From my own experience they are all full of left wing, lazy greedy ba$tards, corrupt from the leadership down

  20. Well fellas i was right, oul pretend king charlie has bowed and submitted to the browns, hes wearing a black poppy, which fights against british values, give it up lads the king has surrendered which is a defeat, 

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