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Posts posted by Lenmcharristar

  1. If these demoRats can do this to an ex and running for president then the takeover of the USA is nearly complete, i really hope that this coming election they vote so highly for trump that they cant cheat, the world needs trump to win or the take over of the west is done, watch and see they will try and kill trump next, i hope that the Lord is protecting him as he will need it, how can bill clinton whos a proven convicted rapist not get jail or killary who started russiagate against trump not be charged, or obumma who shagged a fella in a limo for drugs not get charged?? 

    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 1
  2. 1 hour ago, kanny said:

    I've not been tempted yet , there's some handy  looking woodworking jigs on there , also the drones keep catching my eye,  I bought a few lures of wish a few years back and they were OK,  the whopper plopper clones were very good , caught a fair bit with them 

    Stick a link up, i recently just bought myself a stair jig from axminster, good bit of kit for not a bad price

  3. 7 hours ago, WILF said:

    Vote for the Ulster Unionists Francie mate, you know it makes sense ! Lol 

    TUV over here are partnered with reform, i dont even vote but will defo give this a thought

    • Like 1
  4. 4 hours ago, TOMO said:

    Pic of this room flooring is leather





    Id picture somebody whod own that to be the gangster out of paul sykes documentary, the posh git with the wig, or del boy trotter

  5. 2 minutes ago, dogmandont said:


    Its keeping him down and out that they cant do, he comes back up and wins rounds after getting knocked down, if he stopped assing about and didnt get tagged in the 9th he would have come away with the win or at least a draw. 

    • Like 3
  6. 1 hour ago, kanny said:

    Let's have it right,  it was a close fight, split decision , both men went to valhalla and put it all out there,no one would be calling robbery if fury got the decision,one shot changed the game ,fury had the most success up until that point, heavyweight boxing, anything can happen, I hope they do it again as it was far from conclusive,unlike the AJ fights ... congratulations to usyk, what a fighter 👏 

    Fury can be proud of himself in defeat, was a cracking fight, i look forward to the rematch, a draw would have been better as both boxers gave their best

    • Like 2
  7. 1st thing, well done to both men, congratulations to usyk, that was a decent fight which was gona be a boxing match, if the rematch does go ahead then fury needs to stop acting the maggot as he learned tonight that he can be hurt and not come back as good now hes over the hill, from 9 on fury looked like an old man, maybe his nose got broke but 9 gave usyk the win, hopefully we do get the rematch, personally i think fury has had his day, hes not the same after wilder trilogy those fights have taken something from both those men. And no shame in losing to usyk as he seems top class no doubt, neither are huge punchers so maybe thats why it was let go as it was

  8. 41 minutes ago, THE STIFFMEISTER said:

    Mate , you’re so off the verge it’s unreal . 

    the men who twenty years ago were smashing smack heads up as entertainment , throwing coats over the heads of dealers in pubs and throwing them into cars are the ones Lacing them selves up with bugle today . 

    it’s an epidemic 

    I know i got my eyes opened to how bad you lads were when working over in southampton 2020, top brass at work all openly on the sniff but had a cheek to sack an irish lad for coming into work smelling of drink, problem is over here its only the last 2 years its only took off so we seen the before and after, thank God im not in charge of the nation then lol

  9. 20 minutes ago, paul sr said:

    Apparently the African mayor of Derry, was a member of the BLM  mob .

    I am not 1 bit surprised, but neither will i be surprised come next election time for just like in london with khan getting voted in again, so will the shinners, by the very people theyre openly treating as 2nd class citizens in their native country, its brots out but every gimmiegrant welcome

  10. 3 hours ago, THE STIFFMEISTER said:

    The people are the drug dealers mate, it’s imbued into every aspect of society 

    No the scum are the dealers, theres no pardoning scum who is poisoning their own people especially kids, theres no excuse for allowing the dulling down and death or the ones coming behind us, if more strong willed men and women stand up then the changes happen, problem is that most who take it think they are gods gift and double hard when infact theyre nothing but junkies caught in a bad circle that mostly ends up tits up

    • Like 1
  11. What needs to happen is a northern ireland solution to the problem, or mafia style with a strict code of conduct, eliminating drug users, boozers, dealer types from joining the ranks, the militias need strict training and a ruthless hand enforcing the law of the code to the breakers, after that you need to operate in cells all over the nation all operating to achieve an end goal but trained to think independantly, train them on how to use weapons, keep calm in high pressure environments, do hits, get rid of evidence, plan for all eventualities whilst in an operation incase it goes a bit wayword, then when theres enough onboard start clensing the nation of the invading hoardes, start right at the top of the tree by holding those accountable who have sponsored this invasion, right down to the lifeboat service whos transporting these invaders from french waters, close down all the charities onboard this people trafficking regime, make sure that the public know if they help the invaders they will be dealt with and cull the traitors, put the heads on tower bridge like they used too, but you need to operate with stealth so nobody knows whos involved and keep them 2nd guessing themselves, also to be taken out is drug dealers, pedos, sex offenders and other scum of society, now does anybody in here think they could do it? 
    if carlsberg done patriotism. Seems bad but how bad does it need to go before this type of solution is put into practice? Answers on a postcard

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