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Posts posted by Zilverhaze

  1. Just Gota make sure you got full battery and credit on ya phone and always let sumone no roughly were your going I got lost a couple months ago in a forest was pretty scarey after a hour of going round in circles I had a brain wave and tuned location services on on my phone and found my way out... i also lost a earth while my dog was to ground she slipped in so I ran to the van for a spade and chuldent find the earth again luckiley enough I had the locator in my pocket and found the dog lots of cons digging alone It's hard work from start to finish but it's proberly the most satisfying way to hunt your testing your self as much as the terrier and it's only fair you both get tested

    • Like 7
  2. Seen This today how old whuld he be these days I met frank when I was boxing he presented me a award he put his hand on my head and the palm was on my fore head and his fingers down the back of my neck lol

    • Like 2
  3. I bought some nets if Andy the week this happend they landed and my mate seen them and wanted some I messaged him and had a reply of his wife saying he had been beat up yesterday and won't be able to make them and was very sorry for the hinderance and will contact me soon as he's able to sort them


    my opinion is he's a decent guy he was good to deal with and done exactly what he said

    • Like 3


    I went to quite a few in the early to mid 60z when I was just a young lad/man.........the amount of bitching, whining & bullshitting I heard from grown men was enough to put me off for a life time.........



    Why don't you go to that one mate re live your youth lol

    There should be a class for stolen terriers at that show.
    Or a class for those being marked for stealing
    • Like 2
  5. How are greenhorns supposed to get into the trusted zone and get access to top quality pups?

    The easiest way mate is be honest straight and most importantly get work for the dogs keep one thing in mind all the lads with good stuff and ther own lines are constantly on the look out for honest straight lads who will give ther offspring the work they deserve ;-)
    • Like 3
  6. Thousands of people marched shoulder to shoulder at the London rally's, why? ..... To stand up for our rights as responsible workers of terriers. I have no shame of my chosen sport and I am not a cruel man. And I won't put my tail between my legs in order to hide from misguided antis. All about choice really, I'd rather live a day as a lion than a lifetime as a lamb.

    of your one of the lads who gets out digging understands the law and isent a paranoied weirdo then my comment wasent aimed at you :-)
  7. Yea it was a shame what happend to dymented but now ther not alowes to use dog fighting as a reason to take your dogs when hunting ? RSPCA are taking shit from every angle and rightly so even seen a thing about prince Charles saying he won't stand behind the Royal in ther name he was sat on a horse with his hunting gere on

    • Like 2
  8. I respect my elders in life not just hunting it's the way I've been brought up and hunting etiquette ? aslong as my dogs are looked after given the best of life food aftercare treated with respect while huntings leagal I will carry on the way i do and take my pictures as I please

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  9. It's mental I can't get my head round these paranoied people I whuld go as far as saying its people like youse who hide in the shadows and think your doing somthing wrong what's to blame your letting them walk all over you get a back bone and stand up for what you love not cower down and let a bunch of unwashed counts dictate what you do

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  10. Yano what lads I always try and be respectful to my elders and I've tried to explain my self and stuff but the cold hard facts are I carry my work out leagaly I like to take pics of my dogs because ime proud of them I don't put bad pics anywhere or pics of me disrespecting my dogs I share my pics on here and face book for my freinds and people I no personally if you don't like it so what I don't give 2 Fuks to be honest and if your freinds no longer hunt it's because ther paranoied weirdos huntings still leagal if you got the gumption to get out ther and find the work do it if you haven't don't blame other people blame your self because your doing nothing wrong

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