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Saluki fever

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Everything posted by Saluki fever

  1. Vinni x pure pups 4 weeks now getting aboute the place now can't wait for next seoson to try them out
  2. NICE BITCH SIMLAR TOO MINE. 20140219_152140.jpg she's a buety pal atvb with her
  3. Pups are flying on my mates is doin a great job on thrm
  4. Thanks lads for the good comment they will be ready for the coming stubble
  5. Because vinni is very fast tight and a good killer plus the pure have inless wind so should be some crackers
  6. The saluki is due next week can't wait I feel like keeping the hole litter that way I might get 1 like vinni ther goin to top coursing men so thers a better chance of making the grade I'll put some pics up soon
  7. Looking forward to vinni x pure pups 3 weeks left
  8. Thanks every 1 for the nice comments I won't be pup in her a friend is goin to I'll be back with the vinni lines as big as ever
  9. Very happy my pure has taken to vinni that's all I will have of him should be some crackers
  10. Iv got a pure saluki she's 6 weeks in pup she's doin the same
  11. Atvb with her lovely looking bitch
  12. I ain't heared a thing aboute vinni but if [NO TEXT TALK] else do please lete me no
  13. I tryed to buy pather yes she a good bitch I offerd big money but if u read my topic correctly I said John wouldn't take 10k
  14. Look lads I'll never give up on looking for my dog I'd give any thing to get him back the reason I bout zack is because at 1 stage I was goin to give up the sport I was that sick of my dog been stole so if I had zack I'll get my head in the right place and keep coursing so please lads stop having a lafe cause I don't fined it funny I put a lot of time and effort in to vinni
  15. I already had no good thanks any way pal
  16. Hope u get your dogs back pal I no how it feels I got vinni took from me atvb
  17. didnt do to well on the easy irish ones the other week 7 slips along with lucas an killed nothing, why change the subject from vinni do you not want him backOf course I want my dog back but I can't cry no more aboute it and Lucas is a grandfather 7 year old he don his bit in the coursing and John was getting 500 of top coursing men for a service like smarties and I see pather my self very good bitch atb
  18. No news mate I was jus talking to a man ho see pather run last week she din 4 single handed takes a good in to do that this time of year I like her alot
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