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Saluki fever

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About Saluki fever

  • Rank
    Mega Hunter

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  1. Thanks boys my Decon bitch is only 5 weeks now
  2. We'll lads the pups have arrived 8 pups can't wait for these to grow see what they got
  3. We'll pups ain't her yet nothing to talk about what I do no is if she haves 20 pups ther all booked atb
  4. it was my bitch pal she never took she's in pup to shotgun dog now
  5. i her say he was a goodin how's your pups running off him
  6. he flying about the place pal he can turn on a 50pence
  7. he flying about the place pal he can turn on a 50pence
  8. nice to see fresh pure blood in the country ,where did you import her from and what lines is she shes imported from Iraq mate
  9. Pups should be her in 2 weeks lads be ones to watch out for
  10. Where you been mate lost ya number how pup....special litter this ...watch this space ladsgood pal he if fast as f**k only had 5 dropped rabbits smashed them
  11. My 1 is a strong in atvb with them lads
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