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Everything posted by ballywardshoot

  1. Syndicate spot available - with 7 other experienced shots on small country estate co down - 4 days driven game shooting with full hospitality - POA We also have some single guns available on our let days our prices are generally between £370 - £550 per peg depending on bag number and guns 4/8 Guns - 1st Nov 100 bird driven day) 3/8 Guns- 29th Nov (150 bird driven day ) 8/8 Guns - 27 Dec ( 3 says either side of this date ) 100 bird day Please PM for details Thanks N
  2. thanks for advice we do have a good team behind us of both spaniels and lab- in fairness we are grand for shoot days with a great crew on this days , just find pre season work is sometimes harder to get people on board . money is the obvious incentive however for a small shoot this is not feasible - I like the advice on the pigeon shooting and the lamping etc HOWEVER THANKS
  3. Hi All We are now entering our third season in NI and we are always on the look out for reliable guys and girls to assist us with the dogging-in duties at the shoot. Does anyone else have any tips on how to build a reliable and consistent team to help with the beating line and dogging-in? Likewise any one who would be interested in speaking to us about some dog work should pm me or contact us via email. Thanks BWS Payment is in kind in form of beaters day, good camaraderie and lunch on shoot days
  4. THANK YOU for the positive comments - we are looking forward to this season! We couldn't do it without our team and supporters! Roll on the first shoot day at ballyward 2014!
  5. looking one gun to join friendly yet professional shoot in co down northern ireland Shooting once per month during the season with av bag 100 per day- please get in contact if you would be interested thanks N
  6. Hi All, If there are any keen beaters in the co down and surrounding areas who are interested in regular dog/ beating please so do not hesitate to contact us as we are always happy to welcome new beaters along to our weekly shoots/ dogging in Mail me if interested Thanks NMC
  7. Hi Reaper6, We are based in Co Down Northern Ireland thanks BallywardShoot Hi Fruittus, Thanks for the comment we would be more than delighted to have you for beating this year . Thankyou N&G
  8. Hi All Was wondering if anyone had any advice for good crops to grow on wetter lands? Have several pieces of land to put crops in for game crop , was wondering if any one had experience or advice on what crops are best to put in this type of ground to grow good game crops? Look forward to any tips/ advice Thanks
  9. A new shoot to Northern Ireland,in our second season we are setting up a small syndicate with one gun remaining for the 2013/14 We are situated at the edge of the Mourne Mountains Co Down, Ballyward Shoot offers a superb walked up, driven and mini driven shoot experience. October 19th 2013 November 16th 2013 December 14th 2013 January 11th 2014 Price per gun for this season is set at a very keen rate of £1,000 per gun. This includes the four dates above which consists of a combination of shooting with drives & some walk up, therefore mixing the day up and giving you the best
  10. Hi Everyone Just joined the forum! Have started a new small shoot in Northern Ireland. Looking forward to using this forum for tips and ideas for shoot management etc. Thanks NMC
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