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Posts posted by foxtails

  1. i had 2 jills give birth this year, they were both the same weight ect, but after kits have gone... the one jill seems fine, but the other is loosing weight... iv been bringing her in on her own giving her egg, and hand feeding her ect, ill give her a couple days and see how she gets on... shes my best worker, i work the 2 of them but the other jill is like an hob, shes the back up that i put down the hole if things arnt going right..ect..so i need my main worker to pull through ! ill keep you's informed as to how she gets on. FTS


    Ukips plan from my understanding (off the top of my head)


    1. Ban the burka in public places.

    2. Deport all the illegal asylum seekers could be over a million.

    3. Deport all legal asylum seekers involved in criminality could be over a million.

    4. Follow up & convict FGM victims parents/abusers.

    5. Follow up and convict honour killings.

    6. Follow up and convict polygamous marriages.

    7. Clampdown on illegal immigration visas.

    8. Deport scam marriages.

    9. Cut/ stop immigration. unless needed.

    10. Cut foreign aid by three quarters - could be 9 billion that should pay for some plans.

    11. Stop building mosques.

    12. Build/ extend prisons - double prison places.

    13. Take away citizenship of jihadists.

    14. Talk of Muslims signing a code of conduct.

    15. Close down /ban sharia courts.


    That's a step in the right direction.


    Rather than not implementing the above,I honestly believe that (in full power)they WILL go further than they are saying....


    They know the score... ;)


    Just look what the ex leader of Ukip,Lord Pearson says about Islam on YouTube.

    He also invited Geert Wilder's, the anti-islam MP of the Netherlands, to the House of Lords!


    Gash what's your plan ? what do you suggest ?


    Im not a politician i dont have the answers......but i know like i know Tuesday follows Monday that building a flood barrier after a flood is too little too late ;)


    Serious problems call for serious action just putting a plaster on it is a compromise folk like you seem happy to make.....me i think its gone way beyond that so id put my money on the fastest most aggressive horse in the race and worry about the details later on.


    absolutly spot on ! but to get those done, we need this countrys needs....politics first to get into power, id go to war against everything youv just mensioned , but will the government ? no ! 88% of britain is behind us on everything youv just ,mensioned ! we need a government to step up once in power and carry this out, but i feel, and am very very worried this is not going to be for many many years to come, if at all...... were fecked !!!! :yes: !!!!!!!! the only thing is to nuke and start again, unless theres a massive change

  3. if you think it could be the bedding or worse,flu,could you not take her into the shed or somewhere with a t shirt or something to sleep on,alone for the night and see if she seems better then you could have an idea if it is the hutch material,and if it is a virus it's less likely to be spread and you can clean out the hutch and start from scratch...

    iv put an old jumper in the hutch to help keep them warm, but to be honest the weathers been warm of late, she has a little yellow around her one eye.. on the fur.. ?

  4. bedding is just sawdust at the moment, shes eating/drinking fine, i feed alpha ferret feast, plus a bit of dog food, ,im keeping an eye on her, going to change bedding to shredded paper or hay - but i only normally use hay in the winter months and see if that helps cheers :thumbs: ATB FT

  5. In answer to your last question, knock on doors till you're sick to the back teeth of it. Then knock some more, and then more after that. It'll come eventually.

    nothing much to it then :laugh::laugh: been there many of times :yes: walking past fields that teeming with rabbits then a big fat NO :cray: it does come eventaully though, just be yourself and get chatting to the farmers/land owners. ATB

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