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Everything posted by thomashyne

  1. got a good dvd here of minshaws killing plenty of big rabbits on small cow fields
  2. the worst thing you can do is start in breeding or line breeding over 90% of champion racing pigeons are crosses line breeding or inbreeding has ruined the pigeon game people looking into pedigrees to much and saying this bird has to be good as it has this so called champion in it so many times only have to look at any of the national champs in Belgium this year the home of pigeon racing to find that they all race crosses i just hope lurcher men dont go down the same road with line breeding inbreeding etc breed best to best you wont go to far wrong there will always be
  3. no mate i came of irish an scots stock what about your self did the D N A come back from the parashoot regiment to find your father no they found him stuck up your mum so it true he is bi sexual your mother wasnt just a one off he had his name and adress on the bottom of his boots an for that reason you shouldnt inbreed he was also an idiot hey thats your dad thomas stop talking shit an go away no will then run down to the shop an get yourself a bag of sweets an just watch got some of your mums home made cookies here
  4. no mate i came of irish an scots stock what about your self did the D N A come back from the parashoot regiment to find your father no they found him stuck up your mum so it true he is bi sexual your mother wasnt just a one off he had his name and adress on the bottom of his boots an for that reason you shouldnt inbreed he was also an idiot hey thats your dad thomas stop talking shit an go away no
  5. no mate i came of irish an scots stock what about your self did the D N A come back from the parashoot regiment to find your father no they found him stuck up your mum so it true he is bi sexual your mother wasnt just a one off he had his name and adress on the bottom of his boots an for that reason you shouldnt inbreed he was also an idiot hey thats your dad
  6. no mate i came of irish an scots stock what about your self did the D N A come back from the parashoot regiment to find your father no they found him stuck up your mum so it true he is bi sexual your mother wasnt just a one off no hes gay you came out of a arse at birth
  7. no mate i came of irish an scots stock what about your self did the D N A come back from the parashoot regiment to find your father no they found him stuck up your mum so it true he is bi sexual your mother wasnt just a one off he had his name and adress on the bottom of his boots
  8. no mate i came of irish an scots stock what about your self did the D N A come back from the parashoot regiment to find your father no they found him stuck up your mum
  9. ther are alot of pages on here about merlin and eve and charlie foxy alot about english dogs i was just wondering about the best producers were in ireland back then and whats your view on the top ten dogs to come out of ireland
  10. just be intrested to hear bit more about the dog heard some good things heard some bad things
  11. good topic going well alot of intrest cheers
  12. just would like to hear a bit about the dog khan jiad did he leave alot of good stuf and what did he run like him self cheers
  13. everybody on this site looking for permison
  14. the blue dog is related to lucas through kings stuff and as far as i know the english side of them is related as well is lucas not a half brother of snatch on his fathers side ( UNCLE LUCAS ) if there that close he might have bought the black an tan bitch to keep the line going is he going to cover her with lucas. speedie your line will never die out just some boys trying to claim it ha
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