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About richrobo

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  • Birthday 04/01/1978

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  • Interests
    Land and Sea
    Hunting and Diving
  1. Hi there all hope someone can help I know it might be a bit late now but i am looking at geting a few days beating in I live in the West Midlands (Coventry) I am aviable most days and weekends thanks
  2. Today was the day that me ferrets had to go put them to a good home as me little girl of 2 loved them more than thay loved her well gess this gives me more time to get nets ready for when she is a bit older shame as the ferrets new what no ment
  3. Hi there I know it might be a bit late but dose eany one know of a shoot in the west midlands around coventry where I might get a few days in
  4. Was hopeing there was going to be an easy cure to this. Looks like I am going to need another hutch
  5. Had my Hob done last year cost me about £90 the vet ran some test and when it came back a week later it showed that it had only half worked so he whet back in and loss one of his balls at no extra cost to me. He still is a full hob and will knock my jill out of season but with no kits a few weeks later
  6. Please help I have a Hob and Jill . The Hob had a vasestomy about 6 months ago and its the Jills first year in season. She is out of season now and has been for a week or two I know she is not with kits but is treating my Hob as a kit, she will not leave him alone drags him all over the hutch and the poor fella neck is red raw. Am using savlon on his neck but is there eanythink i can do to get Jill off the poor lad
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