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Posts posted by Stuart1985

  1. Good work, decent looking size those. Do you have a silencer on that 52? How did you go about doing that? How do you find it shoots from a bipod? Sorry for all the questions, just curious!


    Well shot ! Can't make out the tin, what are they ?


    atb phil

    I don't shoot using the bi pod I use it for keeping it of the ground, have shot from it before and it really didn't make a difference don't know if thats because of the v Mach kit that's fitted.


    Pellets are H & N Sport Baracuda Hunter Extreme very hard hitting pellets.

  2. Evening


    Just in from taking a old friend the Diana for a walk on one of my newly gained permissions, and bumped into these four rabbits :)


    The rifle loves the new pellets I got, was shooting groups of 5 shots that could be covered with a 5p.


    First two rabbits were taken one after the other no more than a meter apart.

    Headshots on the three and one heart and lung shot.


    Out tomorrow evening hopefully ill see more rabbits :)





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  3. Evening


    I bought some new pellets the other day (Baracuda Hunter Extreme .22) so after work yesterday I tried them out on the paper targets. Was pleased with the groups I was getting (5 shots covered by 1p) at 30 yards. so went a walk on my closest permission to my house as the sun was out. Had a scan of the areas that usually have rabbits jumping about and nothing about.


    Sat In the shade for about 45min near the woods and was visited by my first grey squirrel of the year :)


    The pellet made a solid crack as it struck the skull and on closer inspection I seen why!!!!!!.






    Happy with the pellets going to try them out tomorrow night on the rabbits.





  4. Afternoon


    Was out again with my HW77 to survey a new area my work has been given to control moles and rabbits. the weather was sunny then raining and bloody hail eh only in the uk!!!


    I seen a alot of rabbits and even more mole damage so its going to be a site that will require some time on it.


    Managed to take these four rabbits with good head shots. 21 yards to 36 yards.


    Placed the young rabbit out about 25 yards had my break sitting in my van when down came blackie, caught it at the bottom of the head.


    Anybody out there local? would be up for taking somebody out on a few outings got a lot of shooting coming up.




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