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rabbiting josh

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Everything posted by rabbiting josh

  1. my insurance is basc junior covers everything !!!!!
  2. when i go ferreting i get 2 pounds skin left on !!
  3. thanks roughly how much are the jabs tom ?
  4. when my jills come into season and i will need to get them spayed is it risky and how much is it ??????
  5. through the woods with the dog beating on an oak log getting pheasants into flight how many can we bag before night the keeper says stay in a line do just that and you'll be fine bang bang something has been shot has it or has it not walking through nettles hard on the skin what shot are you using lead steel or tin pickers up quick to pounce any birds alive get hit with a nice priest of lead if they weren't before they sure are dead. the total bag is counted and written down mostly a smile never a frown. i wrote this after a beat and took home a nice pie
  6. mine were 18 weeks when they first bolted some bunnys atb josh
  7. you always get the odd anti about but in the area i am in it is very small (village) and most people know so i dnt have a problem but i get what you mean!! but like i say you will always get an anti i always like the feeling where you are thinking when someone walks towards you, they will be negative when all they do is ask you how many have you caught !!!! ove that feeling as i am a youngster
  8. the grab was not that hard it was that losing her in the nearby cover !!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. i am possibly going to rescue a lurcher cross 6mnths old how could i train her to work alongside the ferrets ???????
  10. hi all my ferrets have now been out 2 times and have both worked well on the first 1 though on the 2nd outing stayed in the mouth of the hole when she came out she dashed away resulting in us grabbing her to stop her escaping causing her to spray any help ? how to stop this
  11. how many ferrets you got mate ? do you have any of your own gear ? y i have got two jills and yh i got some nets !
  12. yh i always work with a close familyfriend he has been in the game a while
  13. anyone in 5 mile or so radius of windsor with any ground i could use to work the ferrets ???????????????????????
  14. i have 2 17 week old jills been out once and bolted 3 full grown rabbit !! well pleased
  15. isnt that effort to get a hob to mate every season and how much roughly to get them spayed ???
  16. i have to jills and have been told i was stupid to get them as they will (i got them coz the are less likely to lay up) can i breed from them once will that solve the problem of the build up of the hormone or do i have to breed her annually ????
  17. I TOTLALLY AGREE we got the bag of 3 and i gave em away for 50p i will sell themproperly to freinds but it was just a good run for the ferrets and a bloody good 1 for me !!!
  18. [ Well done mate Give em a nice egg as a reward! an egg ??????????????
  19. didnt use a locator they didnt even think about killing my good girls not bad 1 is exellent i put one down a burrow we had cleared just to get her used to the smells and the hole you know really got potential
  20. thanks i fed them 2 chicks between them and hey presto it worked i know its not alot but a bag of 3 i didnt think it was bad for there and myselfs first time ????????
  21. havegiven them a bowl of jw dry ferret food if i gave them a chick or2 each would that be ideeal ???xx
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