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scottish carper ingram

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Posts posted by scottish carper ingram

  1. hey folks, took the dog out for a quick shine last night with a mate and his dogs, we picked up a rabbit with no ears, was just wondering if it was just a deformity or it is signs of disease, was wondering if it will still be safe to feed to my pup? i will put a pick up soon, any help appreciated scottish carper ingram

  2. Bonny dug,, taking it to Galloway next week ?? puppy rosettes ??? hahahaha


    hi mate, unfortunately i dont live in dumfries anymore, was planning on coming up for it but just cant get the time for it, gutted as i have been looking forward to it all year, but i will be there next year without a doubt :thumbs: hope its a good day for you and see you there next year, ingram

  3. i had an incedent two nights ago on the park i give the dog his last walk of the night on, was walking up the lane when i heard a handbag dog yapping in the open at the end of the lane, i called in my dog and put on the leash and carryed on walking, as i walk into the open i have a look for the dog making the noise and spot some chiwawa x thing and a white boxer in the distance, they spotted me and came running over, the guy was looking the other way so i shouted put your dogs on a leash, he turns round and screams all the fs and bs under the sun till he was red in the face, and neither batted an eyelid and carryed on staight at me, the ankle biter starts yapping and running in circles round me and the dog but the boxer ran staight into my dog teeth showing, my dog trying to keep an eye on the fluff ball running in rings unfortunatly got nipped by the boxer but i managed to keep them apart and avoid a bloodbath, meanwhile the guy is still nowere near so i have a go at him and tell him his dogs should be on a lead (dogs still of lead and not listening to him) he didnt like what i said so belted the boxer with his lead and had the cheeck to ask me if i was happy :wallbash::censored: then proseeded to offer me a fight :doh: some dog owners these days are unbeleivable, i hate to imagine what would have happened if my dog wasnt on a lead and got hold of the ankle bitter :whistling: ingram

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