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Posts posted by tinytiger

  1. 17 hours ago, WILF said:

    Because at the time Ireland was still part of Great Britain and the commonwealth so the queen/ king etc was the head of state.

    The RIC were Irishmen who happened to be coppers enforcing the law as prescribed by the government of that land at the time........no different from a guard today.

    i won’t get I to who did what, just pointing out the facts really mate 

    Tom Barry's father was an R.I.C  man ,and he served in Mesopotamia (iraq) in ww1 himself ,before becoming an i.r.b man.

  2. 13 hours ago, JDHUNTING said:

    I literally can't imagine anything worse than walking round a warzone on trips jeez that would of been hard going!

    Sorry,missed that someone had already put it up.

  3. 11 hours ago, maxhardcore said:

    If they looking to breed any F1 or 3/4 bred deerhounds tell them there is a straw at Meerfield Stud nr Liverpool they are welcome to use free of charge.

    Its off a Staying Greyhound called 

    England Expects - He was Top Open - Competition Class and his Sire was Westmead Hawk who won the English Derby twice.

    Im sure the Hawks sire Sonic Flight also won the English Derby too ?

    Thought rapid ranger beat him (sonic) could be wrong.A decent offer.

  4. 6 hours ago, W. Katchum said:

    Think there’s more proof of Jesus being alive than some of the Greek an Roman authors yet we deffo believe in them, an aint yhere summat like 10/15 diff sources that tell the Jesus story, other than the scriptures? 

    What proof ? I don't think the new testament was written down until a hundred years or so later..the Italian guy who translated the dead sea scrolls ended up thinking that Jesus was an " imaginary friend " that the apostles met when they were off their tits on magic mushrooms.

    • Thanks 1
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  5. 3 hours ago, mushroom said:

    Ok mate..... try telling them that ;)

    Taken from a very basic search;

    Basques are brothers of the Celts. ... The findings provide the first direct evidence of a close relationship between the people thought of asCelts and the Basques. The Basquesare thought to be the closest descendants of the Palaeolithic people who established the first settlements in Britain more than 10,000 years ago.Apr 3, 2001

    I watched it there earlier ,the faces on the men on it wouldn't stand out down my local .they've been living in the same place for 20000 years ,long before the first celt existed.Their language isn't related to any other language on the planet.Irish ,English and Scottish people have a good dash of Basque in them (welsh don't for some reason (pure celts maybe).No Greek or Roman writer called the inhabitants of Britain or Ireland celts though, Celtic identity exaggerated by academics in the late 19th century to stir shitt (a bit like Hitler with the Aryan stuff)

    • Like 2
  6. On 07/08/2019 at 20:53, mushroom said:

    The Basque have their own version of the Highland games ;)

    Very Celtic culture.

    Nothing to do with celts ,Galicia you're thinking of.they're in Europe since before the ice age.The original inhabitants of Britain and Ireland would have been from similar stock..in the old Gaelic tales of the fianna there was 2  families of them,clann basca and clann morna-always wondered if there was a connection.

    • Like 1
  7. 2 hours ago, chesney said:

    His grandfather had booth blood from what i know thats the only connection to bob booth.

    I'd say the other side was related too(or related to what r.bs dogs went back  to).just a guess,never seen any pedigrees of them (nuttalls penny ended up in North,grandmother of your fella came from there). I'd say there some connection.

  8. 14 minutes ago, baker boy said:

    We need to violently oppose these f***ing lunatics, they should be severly beaten every time they raise their ugly stupid f***ing heads, these people are ill in the head and are ruining the lives of future generations, I genuinely think a cull is in order

    They are the cull .(I don't think they'd be very effective at expelling invaders from their country +they are unlikely to have children(thank god)).

  9. 12 hours ago, maxhardcore said:

    There is evidence to suggest they left the Indian sub continent as they were lower caste and persecuted .

    They will have obviously been a bit outcrossing as they spread across Europe before a branch of the Origional migrants reached GB and then as said some over time married into home bred travellers ' some did not.

    You can't beat a bit of history ' I'm of the notion if you don't know where your from you not quite sure where your going ☺️

    I think they left to avoid the Islamic conquest of India (the timeline would fit in roughly with their appearance in Europe)

  10. 13 hours ago, Ted Newgent said:

    did you see the other vid were he and his crew started a row.

    tommy got three punches in on one lad.


    he needs to chill if he wants to be a MEP earning 100k plus


    tommy is now back on twatter again and posted his version of the vids


    This guy was/is an M.E.P too lol.

  11. 8 minutes ago, jigsaw said:

    And all I say is ..proof? You need hard evidence,the reason there were no huge amount of bodies found was because they were incinerating them en mass,and yes ,there were many inhumane forms of genocide carried out over the centuries, I listened to the stories of the gypsies being slaughtered in Krakow,and the 1 St victims Hitler eradicated we're the mentally and physically disabled in Germany,many were German citizens,no time for weak specimens,

    It suspiciously similar to the 6 million jews who were supposedly killed in the pogroms in the Ukraine in 1919.

  12. 1 hour ago, jigsaw said:

     ..how did you come up with your views ,how do you come to a few thousand ?there were many camps erected,all doing the same job,annihilating a race of people as best they could ,

    I wouldn't know the exact numbers,definitely nowhere near 6 million.He gave the gypsies an awful time as well and you hardly ever here about it.Belgians killed 10 million in congo,turks killed 3 million Armenians.The media and Hollywood are owned by the people he was trying to kill.There was people in England planning world wars as far back as the 1890s(Lord Alfred milner,Cecil Rhodes and a few more),they had to wait until queen Victoria died  as she would hardly invade her grandson.There s probably people on here know a lot more about it.

    • Like 1
  13. 21 hours ago, socks said:

    So I suppose that the hundreds of thousands of half starved dying Jews liberated by coalition troops were just actors ........

    They were in a war,the Nazis were hardly going to leave thousands of people o of dubious loyalty at large during a war (same way the yanks interned  all japs in their own country)

    • Like 1
  14. 14 hours ago, staffs riffraff said:

    Dont get me wrong i think as a people we brits will never again be a population as great as them i just think we were forced/coerced into a terrible inter ethnic war because the germans pushed to brink of death, humiliation, despair threw off the shackles of versaille treaty and shown the world you dont need their usury/systems and thrived while the whole western world we in complete meltdown in the depression i mean 3 million jobs in his first year in power? Wow why the whole world was haemorrhage them. From what i have seen why looking into it with an open mind war was definately forced on germany without a doubt. Heard of the jewish biycotts on germany in early 30s? Things like that

    Britain started world war 1 ,world war 2 was a direct consequence of how the Germans were treated after ww1

    • Like 1
  15. Never happened.Why would someone go to the trouble of of building gas chambers when bullets or a few lengths of rope would do the trick just as well.(they were for delousing people)It's illegal to spell holocaust with a small "h" or to deny it_the truth doesn't need to hide.I'm not denying that Hitler was a bit of a c**t and treated jews terribly,but the 6 million figure is bullshite more like a hundred thousand.

    • Like 1
  16. On 01/04/2019 at 13:53, king said:

    Have a look at this gnasher.i often watch ted talks.

    And asked on here if anyone else watch's them.

    A good few watch them on here.

    And I forget who mentioned this 1.

    But it is very interesting and with you being interested in sports etc.

    It will be right up your street so to speak.


    Strychnine + brandy is a performance enhancer. (A once off thing for a very important race,because the dog/man will never run right again after)..Jesse Owens smoked 60 fags a day as well ,which makes him twice as impressive.

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