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Posts posted by Benellisupernova


    Well if it aint Bobby Blowhard coming to the little boys rescue,it seems all the celts are banding together now to give him a way out,but it don't matter as this will be my last post on the matter,you all appear to be cut from the same cloth and it would be a waste of time to expect anything different,Bobby it will be lads like you with black dogs that will put an end to terrierwork,everyone knows what they're about and is the very reason I don't keep them anymore,they are a specialist hard digging dog.full stop and it will be the likes of me with sensible working allrounders that can still get around working our dogs,the type of dogs I keep are the future and nobody will give you 2 looks when out,even you lads think they're sh*t, you boys are still stuck in the 60's along with your poor fashion sense LOL's,WM

    In my short 34 yrs in the world i have heard some shite talked,but buy f**k you are deluded man :yes:-give me a shout i will bring my blackdogs and we will have a day out your terms-i dont have kennel space for one trick wonders ;) you do your thing-i will do mine :yes: just stop harping on and knocking other folk, ;) whats with editing all your previous posts WM?You have made yourself look a bit of a knobber :icon_redface: atb my love :air_kiss:


    Only 34 bobby? your still a KID! :laugh:

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    What's the big fascination with pics, so if I don't take a camera out with me, or take pics to make me feel well ard, then does that prove I do nowt? Some folks are mad as a stack a frogs...

    Its not about feeling ard !! have you ever made a positive comment on a thread yet on here,this site has really gone like facebook,without pics and decent threads this site is nothing,try adding to a thread instead of "trolling" every thread,WM

    p.s. its actually very difficult to take a decent pic and is a skill in itself,try working your terriers,lurchers,etc and getting an action shot.


    I PM'd you WM and you blocked me before i replied... very mature! :laugh:


    why don't you go to pm so as not to cock up Mitchell1982's thread

    I asked the kid to do that on friday when he was asked to back up his big mouth about black dogs,anyone can dig to a black dog,nothing hard in that,there's plenty of them about,I've got nothing against black dogs just him for being so blinkered,simple request to put some pics up to back up his words and I would of put some of my plummers doing the same,should of been easy if he gets out and not just another newbie dreamer,the sites pretty dead at the minute anyway due to trolls like him trying to get a rise out of lads that do actually get out,post and put pics up,it seems this thread has run its course for mitch anyway and I've plenty of time for decent lads,I give a few days out a month to kids that have no permission and are keen to see a hawk fly or ferret over dogs,lamping,terrierwork,in fact anything country related


    B.S.I am serious about all things in the countryside but it seems your still dodging the issue of putting up some working pics,a well known expert like yourself that only breeds for work must have thousands about the house,LOL's,the only surprise for me is that none of your "pirate pack" friends have sent you a pic to try to save face,I know and hunt with a few welsh fox destruction societies (north and south) and there are some really good lads about there but none that would accept the company of a lad with your poor attitude.I did attend a lot of hunt supporters shows and many in wales looking for a stud off a certain type,I found one in the end but not at a show,these are the things a decent breeder does to ensure success where it counts,in the field.I am an allround countryman and not a "digger" or one trick pony,check out the thread up on the bushing section fao taffy 1969 and you will see part of what I do in a week,most pics you will know nothing about,open up your mind and you may just learn something,but you won't learn sitting on the internet,I notice you were on at 10-30am this morning and yet thats the day you go "digging"lol's so you say,get a life and grow up little boy.WM

    you have pm WM :thumbs: and no hunt yeasterday, was out with terriers, as i had to work this sunday... must be great for you living out your retirement on your pension!

  4. are you for real WM? :laugh: a picture of a fox in a trap.... that proves alot about your supposedly WORKING plummers! lol and a pic of a terrier and a rat and one of a fox, does it prove anything? f**k ALL just that you feel you have something to prove to a 'KID' half your age! your an old man with nothing but memories of terrier doubled up or even more in an earth at one time, so you cant be expected to know any better so the plummers are what your used to! you try to knock any f****r thats not been in the game as long as yourself and show off your superior (using that word lightly) knowledge. Correct me if im wrong but arent you the man that was going round all the shows this season looking for a stud for your bitch? :hmm: dream on old boy and keep pissing about with your rabbiting pack and leave the digging to people who take it seriously! Atb

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  5. i have absaloutly nothing to prove to you or anybody else! are you sure youve had 55yrs hunting experience? cause you come across more like a 12 year old with your childish name calling, or cant you handle the drink anymore old timer? as ive said pm me if you still insist on carrying on with your rant! thanks grandad

  6. :laugh::laugh: im 26, call me a kid if you like and ill call you grandad! :icon_eek: you seem to have got your knickers in a twist WM! if youve dug to the best black dogs in the country, why did you choose a plummer are they better/equal to the fells youve been out with? or do you only go a bit of rabbiting/ratting to keep you occupied in your retirement? i dont have my dogs to be big and rough WM, and dont work my terriers for a dick measuring comp! youve been on rescues to help idiots like me? you cant make that comment over reading shit on the internet, you may think im an idot after meeting me before that keep your immature comment to yourself(im the kid?) you seem to take it all abit to serious! i dont know everything about working terriers, never will, and neither will you! i know alot of old dinosaurs like you come across as who know the fecking lot when alot of them haven't got a clue! ive had my fair share of foxes, doing terrier work with a pirate pack you might know twice a week and digging on sundays through the season! this will be my last comment on this thread (sorry mitchell1982) now you can pm me if you want to keep spouting :yes: and i will send you a pic of the bitch if it really means that much to you? Atb

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    There's nothing wrong with that dog Mitchell1982,I wish you'd put the pic up at the beginning as it might of stopped the foolish remarks earlier,good hunting,WM


    yes, it might of stopped foolish remarks by yourself! :yes: lol looks like i have hit a nerve WM, was meant to be abit tounge in cheek but there we go! i have enough experience in the field to tell the difference between somebody serious into WORKING terriers and whos into good looking show stock! i have worked and kept a line of black dogs (off old gould lines) for the last 10 years and have dug plenty of game with them but always looking to improve on the WORKING side of things :thumbs: youve been hunting for 55 years, hope i still get out and do abit at that age!? i still disagree with your comments about looks but ill put it down to your age that you always know best! :laugh: you sound like a few other plummer lads i know, breed blind and hell bent on telling anybody that'll listen how great they are, but all i have seen have been piss poor, not judging your dogs as never seen them work! tomorrow i will take a pic of the prick eared bitch, dont do pictures in the field and the few i do have will not be going on the internet for all to see! Atb

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    He goes to ground instantly aswell! All be it to retrieve rabbits thet the ferrets have killed! But I didn't teach him that he just did it! He was 5 foot deep the other day in a rabbit warren I even filmed it on my camera just dont know how to get it on here yet!

    Mitch,I can see by your posts your as green as grass mate and I bear you no malice in anyway but its not a good trait in a working terrier of any sort to allow it to enter rabbit warrens,they can soon get in trouble even with a locator collar on,by all means let your dog mark the hole as "occupied",your ferret should be wearing a locator collar for when you get a kill or a lay up,take a spade and dig it, its easier in the long run and your dog will not learn bad habits that could get it killed on the likes of railway embankments,motorway bridges,etc,do you collar (locator) your dog up when out working it ?? I do hope so as enthusiasm will not save a trapped terrier.

    I made my original post as I believe most people starting off look to step up on their next dog,most would look to improve their stock as they gain more experience, but it seems the "ugly dog brigade" have found a voice in this thread,as a breeder of terriers I am always looking to improve my stock,I might add that I've never shown a terrier in my life but do appreciate a good looking working terrier,atb,WM


    yes i do appreciate a good looking dog WM but i never have and never will breed for looks! i have a black dog with pricked ears, should it be PTS? its clear you prioritzie looks over working ability when breeding otherwise you wouldn't be a plummer man! :laugh:

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  9. Benellisupanova,I am serious,the kids been lucky that it will at least kill rats and mark a few rabbit holes,like most starting off he's bought the first thing he's seen.We all look to improve our stock and that means breeding off the best available,I have bred a lot of terriers and have a litter now that will hopefully keep my line moving in the right direction for work and looks,nobody likes an ugly dog regardless as to what you may think and queen anne legs and snipey faces are faults in any working terrier (see breed standards).Terriers are able to cover the ground better by having straight legs and a strong head is something all terriers need,so,are you telling me you would spend your money on any old pup?? why would you? when you can buy a good working pup off well bred stock that also look good and adhere to breed standards,most poorly bred terriers will be found wanting when they are asked to step up their game to a heavier quarry.I would be interested in seeing a pic or 2 of your terriers BS and what your experience is ?? I also noticed the kid never put a pic up of his dog,WM

    yes i breed off the best available and my last litter are all starting well now (not due to breeding for looks) and i wouldnt think twice about buying a pup off "ugly" parents aslong as they do the job i want! put a pic up of your beauties and ill put a few of mine up :thumbs:

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  10. Mitchell1982,sounds like you're really happy with the dog and thats all that matters to you at the moment ,you will find as you gain more experience in the field,etc, that you will want to improve your next choice of terrier by not just buying for work but looks as well,there are plenty of good looking working terriers about if you take the time to research your needs,I would say most of us bought the first terrier we looked at when starting off in the mistaken belief that all terriers will work to the same standard,the terriers I keep now are a long way from those I started off with 45yrs ago,we should all look to improve the next generation of workers by constantly pushing the boundaries,my mates dad had a proven line of fox dogs,all with "Queen Anne" legs,small snipey heads and that was the norm in the 60's,70's but most modern breeders would think twice before breeding one into their line nowadays,we all look to breed the best we can,good luck with your terrier and enjoy every moment spent in the field with him,WM

    are you serious wm? :hmm: im sure he'd be better off trying to improve the dogs working ability in the field rather than its looks?

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  11. id have done a better job myself thats shocking imo, yes its easier to keep clean open but id defo want vet to stitch most of wound up! looks to have come along nicely considering he did f**k all tho and tell him to stuff his skin graft, taking you for a ride! atb

  12. yer but true,,, iff there was no hunting posts on,,, most wud log on and off in seconds,, it wud be like reading last weeks paper over /over /over again,, that's when people do get board and have a bicker,, im on here with borrowed time,,,the jealous so called hunting men,, want to see the back of me,,,my spelling his far from perfect,lol,,,,but I can work 1 thing out..,

    spot on jim, love reading your posts on this site and others and sounds like you put alot of time and effort into your dogs! and your topics are defo better than the crap half the mods put on this site

  13. nobody knows the whole story so couldn't tell you that, and a few of my mates work on the door so im definetly not against them but imo theres always a few bouncers out looking for a scrap with anybody who's to pissed to defend themselves instead of stopping trouble

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