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Posts posted by rob84

  1. i probably would as well,it would be as close as possible to what you originally wanted to do,but just because 2 dogs are off the same breeding dosent mean they are of the same bloodline-i.e they could throw very different pups.


    Even tho the two dogs in question are litter brother's, and the bloodline has been kept as close as possible over many generations. Sure the pups being thrown would not being that different?

    I am no expert and correct me if i am wrong!

  2. Happy New Year to everybody!


    This one has tickled me for a while!


    Say for example you keep two well bred terrier pups out of a litter. With the bloodline being pretty much pure as it can get! Say for instance pup 1 turns out to be excellent worker and after 4-5 seasons work, you plan to breed of him.


    One day your out hunting and before you get the chance to breed of him you lose him to ground. Now pup 2 for whatever reason has not being worked and he is the only option of carring this part of the line forwards, be it his mother has died or what ever ect ....


    Would you use him as a replacement stud as his brother is lost? as the breeding and the bloodine are identical?


    If i was ever in that situation i think i would as the breeding and bloodline is in him! Just woundering what you boys and girls think?


    Best of sport! Rob

  3. the less people know about your dogs the better ,alot of lads big up their dogs and then low and behold a month or two later a litter of pups is advertised out of them


    You see that a lot in the EDRD mag! not saying that the dogs are bad its just see a story about this or that lurcher and low and behold pups for sale in the next months mag! Its like feck me that was handy! if it was six months or a year later fair enough! good dogs do not need advertising they are gone and the best stuff around can never be bought does not matter how many £000000 are at the end of the cheque! Fact

  4. i reckon the bull whippet would be faster from the start of the night but comein to the end i reckon it would tire out n the bull grey take over most whippet crosses are fast at the start of the night but graduly start slowing down atb Top Lamper

    bull whippet 50-75 yards then bull grey all the way! :thumbs:


    Thanks for the reply's! Just out of interest 'Ruby Jet' what's the make up of the bitch? hows her dam and sire bred? I really like the look of her! :thumbs:

  5. This has had me thinking for a while now. What are advantages of having a bull/whippet over a bull/geyhound as a terrier man's dog. Drawing work and covering the bolters. Seen a very gd bull/whippet work when digging mostly drawing work, but cant see the advantages of having 1 over a bull/greyhound.

    I do not want this to turn into a slaging match between the two breed fanciers i just want to find out the pros and cons of both types of lurchers as terriers mans dogs. Or if its the other way the advantages of the bull/whippet over a bull/greyhound?

    I look forward to hearing some honest opinions!

    ATB boys and girls good hunting to you all. :thumbs:



  6. i have a kelpi x collie bitch pup at the moment about 5months old! she has been easy to train! and loves to please! she's been trying to work sheep around the yard since 10 weeks old! keen and as sharp as a whistle! her temperement is spot on good with other dogs and people! to be honest the best £40 ive ever spent! shes keen on mustard on rats now come close a few times not caught 1 yet that i know of! her main job will be sheep, but i will be taking her out hunting to see whats shes like, my plan in a few years time is putting a gd track greyhound over here or a good first cross deerxgrey. but all this is a long way off!

    but so far so good! touch wood hope it carries on this way!




  7. Mine are kept in a 9" hollow block shed with corrugated zink roof. Not the warmest of places in this weather but its draughproof. Each dog has a bed filled deep it straw and they are fine! dount make them soft with the heat lamps! my terriers only ever see the heat lamp where theres a litter of pups just born! or when theve had a hard day at the office!

  8. Mate personally would not bother! i have been stung there allready! bought a pup of him must be 3 years ago, i had to shoot it before it reached a year old. its internall organs hungs/heart were f****d! and this money back guarntee that he states that if they dount not work is rubbish! i sent him two different vet reports and after 6 phone calls he reluctantly gave back half the money! i had spent a lot of time and money into this pup and gave it the best of everything and a man of repute to do something like this really had me thinking 1 thing!


    He does not care about the dogs just in it now to pay for a good retirement! This is the truth and i do not care who this upsets!

  9. Down round me mate just out side newport I think theres 2 blue dogs left and a pure choclate dog but think he keeping that 1 for him self fair play ther stunners.. For any info if you pm me il speak to the man his self later on the evning and see if I can pass his numba on. Alb taffyboi


    what are these pups out of gem?


    Seen this bitch work over the last couple of seasons a very handy little bitch round a hole.. :D

  10. i have an l200 4 work 07 model, with road tyres and no canopy on the back i was getting combined 36mpg. i had measured it serveral times and that was the average. since then i have put a canopy on and at2 allterain tyres and the millage is down to the 33 mark. but this is all road work with no 4x4! when out yesterday pretty much 4x4 all day and it loved the juice, but saying that the truck had to work a dam sight harder! if doing a lot of towing and hard work get it chipped as it improves the fuel performance. a mate had his chipped and he sweared it made a hell of a difference. i havnt chipped mine tho!


    had mine over a year and its being to some place got stuck and got unstuck to! fairly solid trucks and if you look after them regular servicing they should last for years! i am pleased with mine anyway! so far so good!

  11. 6 month 3 week old lurcher dog 24tts £50. 5 month old speagle dog from working stock, both parents are working fox and the grandparents £100 not making any money, paid alot more for these dog, just cant afford to keep them, pm me if interested, pleases no messes, has i have all ready been on a wild goose chase today, dun a 100 mile trip, for them not to tern up :wallbash: . so pick up only

    west wales pembrokeshire



    lovely looking dog i like him a lot! how much has been done with him training wise? is he stock broken and whats he like in the kennel?

  12. What i do and gereally most of the boys that i go with do is wash down the head with a sponge and some water to get the gereral dirt away. then wash again with salt water or detol, dry the head off. put dry cow cream into the cuts and if theres any nasty ones put a few stapes in to hold the cuts together so that they heal better. once the stapels are in put the dry cow nosle to one side of the staple and squese the stuff in. Give the dog a good drink of water and then it goes back into the box.


    We have started using metacam its a liquid thats thats squited down the dogs throat. It acts as a painkiller and it stops with the swelling its expensive but very good stuff!

  13. Going back when we were younger when we could hunting my mate had three jack russels on his farm, it was a job to ever see them on the yard as they were allways off hunting. Remember loads of saturdays and sundays when we couldnt go hunting because the effing dogs had buggered off with out us, and had to wait untill they came back. sometimes the next day and through luck allways came home sometimes worste for wear a bit, but they had some fun somewhere!!!


    When they were around we used to take them out out and there were always 2 to ground and they neva really got hammered, usually 1 one was at the nasty end and one holding at the rear.

    We always had stuff and (LUCKILY) it never ruined the dogs and they could also work on thier own!

    But back then we were none the wiser to putting more than 1 dog to ground. But you learn, and nowdays we never have more than one.


    We still talk about it sometime....remember such and such a place were they pilled in and something happend.......ect


    Happy Digging Boys!

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