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About jacrabbit

  • Rank
    Born Hunter
  • Birthday 12/08/1972

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  • Interests
    dog shows, taking my dog rabbiting , ferrets.
  1. hey lass..is that a siberian husky you have in your pic?..if so do you work him/her?..ferreting or lamping?..are they any good?..i would love if you could reply as i have a siberian and want to work her but want to no if they are any good and any tips would be greatly appreciated..


  2. have you tried putting some ferretone on her. i used it to help my two to bond. also you could try kepping her with a few layed back ferrets for a bit , so she gets the chance to make a friend or two before putting her back in the group.
  3. sorry to hear that. very sad to lose a friend, even the small 4 legged ones leave a mark on our lives. maybe you should ask the vet if he can give your other ferrets a disstemper jab. sorry for for you loss
  4. keep him away from the other ferrets just to be safe. put him in a warm cage on his own till you can get him to the vet. hope he getts better
  5. there are pleanty of toy breed dogs you can dress up for show.) why would anyone dress a ferret up for show? nothing wrong with keping a ferret for pet and work like we do with dogs. i know there are some people who would put a gun to a dog that wont work. it hapens in my breed. not in this county thank god. i just think its a pity to kill somthing just because it cant work an less you are so poor that you cant keep any animal that cant earn its keep. i know in other countrys they have no choice as they are so poor. i see what your saying though. but i still think its a shame to kill a
  6. i dont know, iv never been pregnent with a ferret
  7. it will help them as they wont be killed.
  8. keep the rest and any hobs left over will be humanely culled..) cant you sale them as pets or pass on to a resue.
  9. i have nothing im at the bottom no ferrets, locator,boxes hutch nothing i just carnt seem to drop any any cheap lol,, good luck with your though,, keep me posted on how your getting on or offer me any tips atb,, si

  10. you have to post a photo. give him a kiss from me ( i am a soffty
  11. sorry to hear you lost two . what auctions did uou go to?. i didn't know you would find them at an auction. poor little hob. dont know how people can be so heartless. glad he's safe with you. good on you
  12. hi. i am new to ferreting too. got my two rescues about a month ago. i have a ferret box and have made my own purse nets. dont have any land yet though

  13. just tell them you ARE the local public and looking after the land lol
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