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Everything posted by miggis7

  1. hi anyone know where you can have a new regulater fitted onto your refill bottle (3lt 232 bar) in the merseyside area. what happend was i took my bottle to be filled and was out of test paid 26 quid for a five year test got it back three weeks later went home tride fillining my beesa r10 and the gauge didnt work any more phoned the dive shop, phoned the test centre and they dont fit these and basicaly said it mustent have beeen working before i sent it my word against theres so a basicaly told them to f..k can any one help. i can still fill the gun but for saftey reasons i would like to know
  2. a good mate of mine a landrover mechanic told me that the pumps glog and seize up on freelanders especialy in cold weather on the td4 models not sure about the rover diesel but vegi oils nearly as dear as derv now anyway shit return now used to be about 40p a liter when i used to run my disco on it try looking for garages that sell it ready strait from the pumps theres a few in the northwest its usualy 20 cheaper than derv and thats with duty paid try this web site www.biodieselfillingstations.co.uk hope this helps
  3. try the jack pyke hunter i got one for £50 quid on ebay lightweight waterproof windproof they also do a three in one jaket for around the £140 mark good for summer or winter
  4. tried doin this as akid never hit one then many years later was talking to mate of mine who used to own a gunshop called airgunning today named after his articals he used to wright in the shooting news now the countrymans weekly he told me of young lad that could shoot pidgeons in flight with his airgun with open sights with great consistency becuse no one told him it was impossable tride it again after that but never hit one mate. its not as easy as it looks hitting them with 410s or 28bores
  5. hi mate i had one of these for a good 18 months and used it daily never had a problem changed it for a beesa super 10 had leaks probs with mags wish id kept it top class hunter
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