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About TonyTebbe

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  • Birthday 14/06/1968

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Lovington, NM (USA)
  • Interests
    Calling predator (coyotes/bobcat), coursing coyotes and jackrabbits, custom predator call building.
  1. She is US bred. 3/8 greyhound, 3/8 apbt, 1/4 border collie. I'll run 3-4 on a coyote. Here is a picture of her Mom. Another 40 lber. Tony
  2. She runs on jackrabbits and coyotes with other dogs. She hasn't had a solo pickup on a rabbit yet, but she'll be the first to grab a coyote. I'm taking it easy with her and make sure she has plenty of backup with the other dogs. She's also my top lure dog.
  3. I thought I'd share a photo of my 8 month old Collie/Bull/Grey. She's is turning out to be a heck of a good bitch on jackrabbits and coyotes in the US. Great size and about 40 lbs. Her brother is much more muscular and aggressive, but doesn't have near the speed, agility, endurance, and intellegence as her. Tony
  4. Good points. I actually pulled the video off youtube this morning. I was excited to actually have the video editing working that I didn't notice that it was mediocare footage and not a good representation of reality. Tony
  5. I put together a little video clip of some jackrabbit coursing. Quite a few races, many misses, and a few catches. (I pulled the video off) Hope you enjoy... Thanks...Tony
  6. We are expecting great things from this pup. Dirtwinger put alot into this breeding and she has everything I was looking for in a young lurcher. She's a fiesty little thing and won't take any crap from our other dogs. She's right in their face, including our pitbull puppy. She's got heart and will be the dominate one of our pack. PS. Mouse is settling in pretty good. Still a bit skittish, but taking to my wife quite well. She's been out running rabbits twice a day and loving it. The fastest and most agile dog I've been around. Thank you for her! Tony
  7. Here is my new pup named Raven. I met a member on here from the US and acquired this sweet girl. She's full of energy and a real challenge to get a picture of, as you can see. Her breeding is Tazi/Grey/Collie/Australian Shepherd. She was a very typey pup and we believe she'll turn out to look like her mother below: Thanks guys for putting me in touch with dirtwinger for such a great young dog. I'll keep all posted of her progress. Tony
  8. Heres some updated pictures. The beetles are just about done with the skull. The top tooth pierces the skull. What a slow painful death that would be! Tony
  9. The beetles are almost done with the skull. The top tooth penetrates the skull on the inside. I'll bring it with me, next week and show you. I've only seen this in photos, this is the first time live for me. Pretty weird. Thanks...Tony
  10. We took the dogs out for a little rabbit coursing this afternoon. They caught 5 rabbits and had 2 misses. The last race produced something the dogs weren't quite ready to handle....SABERTOOTH BUNNY! The head is skinned and drying out for the night. Tomorrow it'll go in with the beetles. It appears that the top tooth loops back all the way to the skull. This is a skull worth keeping. Thought I'd share... Tony
  11. The best advice is to use the best camera you can afford. I film predator calling videos during day and night with a Canon GL2. We went out and caught 11 jackrabbits/hares last evening under the lamp. I was filming it and 3 or 4 made good video. Good lighting is important, as well as a steady rest. Hope this helps... Tony
  12. I think you did well mate. If they turn out 1/2 as good looking as the sire, they'd be great choices. Love them, enjoy them and get them on plenty of game. Tony
  13. I call in quite a few hares during the day and night. We ended up catching 11 of them a couple of weeks ago using that method. I call coyotes for a living, using rabbit distress sounds from a handcall. I actually build custom hand calls. After seeing a pattern of calling in a mess of hares, I finally got the ideas to build a drop-door box for the dogs and try lamping. That's the tactic we are using. If anyone is interested, I can hook them up with some easy to use and great sounding hare distress calls. Tony
  14. Absolutely gorgeous! The saluki is nice too. Just kiddin on ya. Tony
  15. I'm about an hour from Roswell. I agree, plenty of hares in this part of the country. We've been working these two young dogs on day coursing, but am really happy with lamping. My son and I were suprised on how many will come into the lamp, from 100 meters all the way to the vehicle. Made for a bad day for them, when we pulled the cord and let the dog box door drop. I guide coyote hunters for a living, but would like to focus on coursing during the summer months. Plenty of land and hares here. I'd really like to find a saluki or saluki x in our area. Tony
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