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Posts posted by TOMO

  1. 9 hours ago, Aussie Whip said:

    Same as every layman I don't really know what the long term effects of the jabs are. I got two jabs because they said we wouldn't be able to travel to see family and I have kids and grandkids in different areas of NSW. I do know I got extreme kidney pain after the second dose and was vomiting and passing out for two days, the weirdest illness I've had and felt like I was dying. I hate prescription drugs and don't even like taking Panadol because it wasn't here when god or nature gave us every remedy naturally. I also have no trust in the gov having our welfare at heart, they are greedy cnts.

    Whilst I think our government are a shower of shit...the Australian and New Zealand governments became really bad during lockdown...the very few people over there that resisted getting the jab were really vilified..I honestly was disgusted at the way they behaved...a lot of the population seemed to be the same as well...I was waiting to see if they were going to start public flogging 

    • Thanks 1
  2. 23 minutes ago, THE STIFFMEISTER said:

    My friend had his ashes scattered over Normandy yesterday from an airplane 

    To think what those lads must have seen looking down from a similar height eighty years ago , doesn’t bear thinking about . 



    That's pretty impressive if although obviously a sad story...was he an ex squaddie stiff...I understand if you don't want to talk about it

  3. 13 minutes ago, Greyman said:

    Hasn’t your jabs got you yet ffs every month more and more comes out to show that you were conned, did astra Zeneca take johns advice before pulling their vaccine off the market, we all know people from this site that is a tiny cross section of society that have had adverse reactions if you want to keep on believing the shite your being fed good on you but forgive me for seeing the world as it is 

    All over the net this week about that Fouchi character lied about everything....you see that mate

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  4. I had a skin tag come up quite quickly last year next to my eye brow...I tied some dental floss round it...it was off within 48 hours....not sure if it would work the same...

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  5. Old man also found a suicide....driving up the A1 one night ...as he went under a bridge he said he thought he saw someone hanging from the bridge...but at the side not over the road...he was so convinced he came off at next junction and went back down then back up...pulled up on hard shoulder...sure enough he was correct....had to go find a phone box in the nearest town...then go back to wait at the bridge for the cops

  6. Me dad drove Artics for 30 years....60.s till 80.s...driving through Lincoln one day a bloke jumped out in front of him trying to commit suicide...my dad said he had clocked the fella at the side of the road...but instead of looking at the truck he was looking at my dad...my old man said he had took his foot off the gas and was already hovering over the break pedal cos the way the chap looked at him...like he sensed something all this was in a split second...the bloke jumped and my dad hit his breaks...he hit the bloke ...thankfully he wasn't killed....but it shook the old man up....once over the shock he was pissed off the bloke chose someone else to be involved in his attempted death

  7. 6 minutes ago, chartpolski said:

    If there wasn’t so many witnesses, I would have been sorely tempted to give him the “double tap”…..


    Yeh personally I think the cop that got stabbed in the neck should have walked over and stuck the c**t right in the chest...or just cut his throat....or what's the Japanese thing from the 47 ronin sipriku...spelling please charts 

  8. 2 hours ago, mackem said:



    You know when I see vids like that...just watched the video on the tube...I know its easy to talk tough...but I think I would just open the c**t right up....I don't know if I could help myself....

    See him  stab the cop...and the other cop either shoots him or teasers him....I would want to gut him as he laid there

    • Like 8
  9. 16 minutes ago, Bakerboy said:

    A bearded man has stabbed multiple people including police at an anti islamist rally in Germany

    So was the perpetrator an anti Islamic...or an islamist that was there as a counter protester?

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