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Everything posted by ian118118

  1. ok but lets try keep near the topic from now on
  2. ok, lets try keep to what this topic was ment to be about, what does everyone think of lady gaga, AND NOT ABOUT W**kING
  3. easy tiger, i ACTURALLY was having a larffffffffffffffffffffffffff mate thats ok, i just dont like being called a wa""er
  4. w/e i think some people on here need to grow up abit.
  5. acturally i havent talked about wan""ng at all the rest have, ill iv been doin it uploading some pictures on here.
  6. how do i? just because i am a fan of someone you automatically assume that i have no life
  7. for all you gaga fans she is on 4music now doing a 50 of her favourite party tunes
  8. real men play rugby you say? funny i always thought that men who go around grabbing outher men and putting them on the floor were gay
  9. i was watching the 118 advert and the music got stuck in my head
  10. this convosation is starting to get a tad rude.... shame so who thinks lady gaga is sexy?
  11. noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
  12. i wudnt mind pokeing her with something else
  13. i have her as my laptop background lol
  14. woooooooooooooooooooooooo go lady gaga!!!!!!
  15. anyone got any laptop backgrounds of her?
  16. she is not a hermaphrodite (big word for me ) aparrently its just people taking cheap shots at a celibrity (again) because they have nothing better to do.
  17. bit of an odd topic but im bored and want to know what outher people think of "lady gaga pokerface". personally i love it and cant stop listening to it but im sad so what does everyone think of it?
  18. this them?http://www.resourceslog.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/01/023059shb.jpg they look gay :sick:
  19. mate i dont think you want to slap him in his teeth. you will lose a finger in those things
  20. i dont want to shoot foxes because i only have a air rifle.
  21. buy some traps and catch them. then bring your mate with there rifle and kill it
  22. well judging by your picture mate i think it might be able to kill rabbits. just a hunch though
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