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Posts posted by ian118118

  1. :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash: What Is It Coming To Do You Play With f*****g Dolls And Action Men Aswell , You Should Be Playing poker not Fecking MOBWARS or MAFIA WARS :clapper:

    i play all 3 mate. and many more lol




    and 'action men'? nah mate barbie's what all the cool kids play with ;)

  2. I hate anagrams, can never work them out..but heres a couple that work out very interestingly

    Have a go..


    Mother in law


    The eyes




    The Morse code


    mother in law- woman hitler


    How apt could that one be ehhh.

    Well done people, only one to go


    the morse code- here come dots




    btw i cheated :D

  3. i have a car for sale and just received this email>>



    Am Larry Akins by name...i saw your ads that you have for sale and am interested in buying it...so i will like you to get back to me with this details...

    Last Asking Price...

    Pics of it....

    The Recent Condition....

    so kindly get back to me soonest...




    My Phone No: +447023057689



    so i replied something along the lines of £499 is my first and last price NO OFFERS!


    just received another reply which read>>


    Thanks for the mail and the response...well the asking price is okay by me..but my mode of payment is through check..so before the check can be sent to you..i will need you to get back to me with this details..

    Your Full Name.....

    Your Address.......(to no P.O.box)

    Zip Code........



    Phone Number..........

    once i get this details the check will be issued and sent to you immediately...so you will have to notify me when the check get's to you and take note that shipping cost will be included...hope to read from you soonest....





    i never get bored of hearing the latest scam, although i have heard this one loads i am knida dissapointed with their lack of imagination..


    what does everyone think i should reply ??

    tell them ur numbers +447023057689

  4. well done buddy on the permission :clapper: i take it you will be up @ 5:00am then and in the field for first light?

    have you done a recky of what the land is like,where the bunny's are,where the boundaries start & finish,foot paths ,bridel ways,ect....

    and dont forget your insurance! & your camera & no smellie's ie... deoderant,aftershave.and make sure the wind is in ya face

    good luck buddy for tomorrow




    probally wont sleep tbh lol iv been shooting before though with my uncle on his permissions but not on my own so i can now make my own decisions on when to stop and wait ect, and ye iv checked it out, my school is before you get to a village and part of the permission surrounds the school and i know we have alot of magpies there so hopes high for tomorrow, ill have a look at the rest while im there and will probally be there for the whoe day, one question though, if i get something at say 7 am and dont go home till 4pm, will it have gone bad by the heat?


    if its a bunny, you will have to piss it off first "if you intend on eating it"

    you want to gut it as soon as you can,and get it out of the sun and in your game bag.then will be ok to consume when at home, if a wood pigeon then that can wait till you get home to take the breast of,or in the field which ever you prefer,but do take a sandwhich bag to put the breast in,ok buddy hope this helps


    good luck for tomorrow




    cheers and iv pissed the rabbits before (when u say piss it off i presume you mean when its dead and you take the urine out, and not making it angry lol) when ferreting, and i am mainly want pidgeon (yumm) but ill go after rabbits and if i see a pidgeon ill have a pop at it. im still looking foward to it, i love shooting my air rifle, even if its at a can it is still so much fun :)

  5. well done buddy on the permission :clapper: i take it you will be up @ 5:00am then and in the field for first light?

    have you done a recky of what the land is like,where the bunny's are,where the boundaries start & finish,foot paths ,bridel ways,ect....

    and dont forget your insurance! & your camera & no smellie's ie... deoderant,aftershave.and make sure the wind is in ya face

    good luck buudy for tomorrow




    probally wont sleep tbh lol iv been shooting before though with my uncle on his permissions but not on my own so i can now make my own decisions on when to stop and wait ect, and ye iv checked it out, my school is before you get to a village and part of the permission surrounds the school and i know we have alot of magpies there so hopes high for tomorrow, ill have a look at the rest while im there and will probally be there for the whoe day, one question though, if i get something at say 7 am and dont go home till 4pm, will it have gone bad by the heat?

  6. cheers, i might be going there in the morning if i get up early enough :)


    What do you mean "IF YOU GET UP EARlY ENOUGH"you have new permish you will not be able to sleep tonight anyway thinking about it :tongue2::clapper: .

    All the best with it mate :thumbs:

    ye i know, if i dont go sleep then cant get up late can i :D

  7. i finally got permission, turns out my mum went to school with the owner and they got along well. haha im well happy now. he said i can shoot whatever i please on one condition, i have to be gone by 10 because the owner and his mates go around with shotguns every night and he said it might be dangerous if im there still. but thats ok im just soo happy at the moment :D

  8. Just wondering how many guys and girls...out there have princibles, they live their lives by.......

    I feel in any Relationship, be it friends or a partnership...That for me...I live by are Loyalty, Honesty and Trust....

    What principles do you live your life by....????

    be honest (most of the time) :)


    dont steal


    dont break promises..


    dont swear.. or some shit like that ;)

  9. I like those kind of things. You only get it wrong once. There is no grey area. Just a little red one if ye feck up. If the bungee cord is to long, the bast thing that will go through your head when you get to the bottom is going to be your bottom.


    Have fun.



    love the reassurence for him there mate lol

  10. I've just found the perfect way to get rid of aggression.

    Make bread,ten minutes or so of kneading the crap out of a heap of dough,while pretending its that b*****ds head works wonders.

    And I get some lovely raisin bread hot out of the oven as a bonus.

    Any other suggestions on how to get rid of aggression??? Lucy

    go hunting and calm the f*ck down :tongue2::yes: lol :D

  11. ;)

    Maybe it got clipped by a car? Good for you sorting it out anyway. Good to use it for the ferts.

    i doubt it was a car. the closest road is quite far away. and i thought about leaving it (only for a split second) because a few of my frends are antis (scum ;) ), but felt to sorry for the poor sod, so whacked its head and died straight away. and the ferret enjoyed it if that matters.he likes playing with his food :)

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