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zigzag dan

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Posts posted by zigzag dan

  1. Firstly im over the moon for Kevin Mitchell he,s a good kid out of the flats who just had too much too early and was brought down to earth with a bang last time out,no excuses but before his last fight his mrs left,he was drinking too much....the loss just totally done the kid in he was totally embarassed especially being at Upton Park.....any kid grown up poor to suddenly have money is a big test,and Kevin failed that test.....but good on him for dedicating himself i was made up for him last night he fought the perfect fight as he was always the better boxer....dont underestimate the part his trainer Jimmy Tibbs played as well he talked him through the fight beginning to end.

    Terrible shame for Nicky Cook,i didnt fancy his chances anyway but thats no way for a career to end.....i wouldnt accuse any sportsman but there were certainly some strange betting patterns before the fight which id be very surprised if the board of control dont look further into........without doubt his injury was genuine,and having suffered with back trouble myself im amazed he even managed to square up again with a prolapsed disc :icon_eek:

    Bellew fought the perfect fight....he showed great maturity ......boxing is about getting the W on your record not having a tear up......he strikes me as a bit of a hothead with an attitude....so the fact he maintained his discipline throughout is even more remarkable......personally i think Cleverly would be too quick for him but an interesting fight for the future.

    Frankie Gavin......hopefully he will buckle down and dedicate himself to the sport or it could be a wasted talent there,again....too much too young.


    Turned out a great weekend,we did the Anfield tour earlier in the day John Aldridge was the guide...what a lovely fella there was 4 of us,one of my pals has a younger brother who is slightly downs syndrome he loves Liverpool but living in London rarely gets a chance to go up....he had a great time,he never left John Aldrige,s side and he was a real nice and decent fella.....we offered him a nice drink after for being so kind he wouldnt have none of it infact even gave my pal a number to get tickets for his brother during the season ....he was a gentleman and a great advert for the club :thumbs:

    Good wknd had by all :D

    Glad you had a good weekend Gnash , yes , Frankie is now begining to frustrate people with his lack of discipline , he needs to stop spending his weekends on Bhams Broad St with the Zulus , or hes going to be yet another waste of talent , my mate who fought him on a Sky bill a while ago still reckons he would have beat him if he had been "allowed " to and to be honest the more we see of Frankie the more i believe him ! By the way , if Kev fights at Upton Park again i shall come down and see you , also , was that you he gave the Hammers sign to at the end !!!?

  2. I wasnt there yesterday so cannot comment on what happened , but i attended this show a few years ago with my lurchers and that time the judge was clueless aswell . But sadly there is a far bigger picture to this constant putting up of show dogs which obviously leads to the breeding of show dogs . Shows are now dominated by women in people carriers with endless amounts of unworked dogs armed with earbuds , brushes and other beauty products ! The sooner show organisers and judges start ignoring these dogs and owners the better and we might get true dog lads returning and perhaps then the true working lurcher /terrier will not become a thing of the past , as it is at the moment we face the situation of ending up like the cock fighters where we are an underground bunch , breeding workers in secret amongst a select bunch of friends .

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  3. Whatever we think of any boxer , we must never forget , its a very lonely place in that ring for 3mins or 12 rounds wether its at a small venue or Vegas , especially when your taking a beating , ive a 6yr old and a 7yr old nephew and a 15yr old son who all recently boxed in front of a few hundred people , trust me Hayes arse would of been twitching just as theirs was , my respect goes out to anyone who climbs through those ropes .

  4. By the way Gnash , my lads now fighting at 82kg at 15 years , only 15 lads to match him with in UK , 3 of them are at Repton so we could be down your way next season , if so , will let you know .


    Excellent news....i take it his hand healed ok then.....used to wear the green and gold vest myself as a kid theres a lot of history behind the club so he,s mixing in good company.....certainly a big lad at that age,keep him dedicated and learning and we,ll hopefully see more of him in time :thumbs:

    Yes mate his hands fine , he stopped the lad in the 3rd last time with a wicked body shot , although he ignored his instructions to box and had a war instead , still it made for good veiwing !

  5. i know what you mean mate but our boxers always seem to get a chip on there shoulders and start forgetting about the sport,they just start with insults ,show boating and eventually do get showed up in the ring ,the likes of prince naseem..ultimate disgrace...khan another 1 who is getting big headed.soon to be showed up .i.m.o anyway.true boxers old school the late cooper brilliant talent and ultimate getleman .


    You left Ricky Hatton the biggest embarassment of the lot out....or is it because he worked so hard at being everyones little darling he gets excused for being an embarassment !....Society has changed mate Henry Cooper would be seen as being mentally weak in todays times i dont like that any more than you but you cant be surprised that our fighters do the same as everyone else does.Marciano was one of the kindest,sporting and respectful of gentleman in the history of the sport it didnt stop him being a nasty animal in the ring.....its not the boxers or the sport thats changed its society thats changed.

    Spot on Gnash , people who have never been involved make me laugh , you cant get into the ring like a timid , " sorry if ive upset you " week person , even if your scared you cant let your opponent see it , all top sportsmen have that air of arrogance with them , good luck Haye - bang him ! By the way Gnash , my lads now fighting at 82kg at 15 years , only 15 lads to match him with in UK , 3 of them are at Repton so we could be down your way next season , if so , will let you know .

  6. The best ive ever seen was Tug, he was 1x staff grey 26in 70lb brindle dog. He was Brill working with terriers, and good in the lamp. The line of staffs were very good dogs from the black country. I saw Tug kill 3 in a night, and day after kill 2 in the day, then 2 in the night in the lamp. He would do this every week if needed. :thumbs: This was before the Ban, the lad who had him not on the net. He as got another pup same lines 2nd gen 1x, but Tug will be a hard act to follow :yes: couple of lads on here had seen him work, they will say the same :thumbs:

    your right Bird Tug was probably the best fox dog i,v seen work , week in week out


    thats it mate, he was Brill if my pup Tod is as good when older, i would be very happy bloke, lets hope :thumbs:

    Seen pic of Tod looks nice mate

    Yes i had the pleasure of several nights out with him , saw him tackle six sets of teeth one night , all dealt with quickly , what makes it more remarkable was that the same night he lost two teeth earlier in the night , all his lamping was on foot aswell , never out of a vehicle , doubt if i will see one better .

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  7. Im glad Wolves stayed up there a good club,i bet the fella zigzag dan off heres pleased,good luck to you ol son :thumbs: and you Bird.


    Im glad Blackpool went down that Ian Holloway does my nut in i never fell for his " i want everyone to love me " bullshit....so what if they were attacking,if his side cant defend for toffee how does that make him a good manager :blink:


    Wolves is another ground i,ll miss going to next year always a great atmosphere there,cant understand what the f**k yous are on about but you can certainly make some noise :D

    Cheers Gnash , yes it was pretty nerve wracking stuff on Sunday , I work with a load of Villa lads so they were glad to see the Blues go down .! By the way , we were usually singing "Wheres your famous ICF "? !!! Good luck, next season , hope you come straight back up .

  8. Turns out at trial , his cousin was the main man in it and pulled 23 yr , so it doesnt take mudh working out to see he wasnt an innoccent van driver , plus they logged his phone and he just so happened to be talking to the Dutch gang involved , i think he thought he was walking out as he had done 12mth on remand !!! " I need a listener " lol !

  9. Gnash ,as you know , me being a Wolves fan , ive seen all divisions over the years , and to be honest , unless you support one of six clubs , all you are hoping for each year is to stay up , ask yourself , is the final two thirds of the Prem any differant to the Championship ? . Take all the glitter away and its a case of the haves and have nots . Youll have your good days out next year im sure , Brighton , possibly here at Wolves , and im sure youll get a warm welcome down the Old Kent Rd , "Thats West Ham taking liberties at Millwall " !

  10. My lad plays for Moseley , Gtr Bham and North Mids , so i watch alot of rugby , also watch Tigers , the play offs are a joke , Worcs should go up automatticly ,Pirates cant go up anyway as their ground is not up to standard , the Prem cartel that Rob Andrew has set up should be stopped and more money given to Championship clubs to improve facilities etc , as Worcs have proved pros v semi pros is totally unfair .

  11. My lad plays for Moseley , Gtr Bham and North Mids , so i watch alot of rugby , also watch Tigers , the play offs are a joke , Worcs should go up automatticly ,Pirates cant go up anyway as their ground is not up to standard , the Prem cartel that Rob Andrew has set up should be stopped and more money given to Championship clubs to improve facilities etc , as Worcs have proved pros v semi pros is totally unfair .

  12. If its come into your garden youve got no problem , my dad used to have an animal feeds shop , i lived in the house there and used to let the dogs run loose in the yard after he had shut , my bullxs killed loads that came in the yard , at one time i had over 20 collars ! Worst was when the owners used to come in all upset and ask to put a notice in the window about the missing cat !

  13. I was under the impression you had to be seen to slip the dog for them to do you ? I let my 14 yr old slip the dog when in a hot area , the old bill would have to be desperate to take in a kid and his dog !

    they gave my brother a fine when he was 13 for coursing. hes 21 now and still goes.

    I will pay my lads fine its the driving ban that gets me , bloody ridiculous , still the second you slip the dog the ban or fine is the last thing on your mind , ive a Khan pup outside and shes got COURT APPEARANCE written all over her !!!!

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