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Everything posted by mala

  1. some more nice mules bunny atb with 2013
  2. my collie wippet greyhound cant up load photo sorry
  3. some nice mules there looks like you have a few
  4. went out lamping last night with big gj and fragle off here last night went to a bit permmison there was only a couple of rabbits give me bitch a slip got 1 rabbit then second slip the bunny just maid it through the fence when we were walking around i lamped too foxs and 3 deer would of give them a run but with the ban desideed to give it a miss never seen them on this bit of land before thanks for reading
  5. theres a old quarry if you go and ask permisson on
  6. there going to be funny looking things gaz
  7. there like that up the derwant if your just walking your dogs on the road there straight behind you asking what your doing there then thay say p.... of up to durham keep away from here theres nothing to hunt up here
  8. does any body know when the first show is in the north east as i dont think the murton show is not on thanks
  9. off out for a moch tonight

  10. good moch around last night

  11. good moch around last night

  12. out tonight with the dogs

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. rocky1


      let is know how you get on

    3. mala
    4. Romany


      Its a bloody cold wind out there, hope you have a good night

  13. ive got 3 in the house that are singing but theres 3 in the shed thats not in full song yet
  14. just wandering when the goldie mules are on full song thanks
  15. good set up and good luck for breeding mules next year
  16. i would of kept them for floating the eggs under but a just need the room
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