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Posts posted by Fletcher

  1. i have bought on a fishing forum i go on a stffed fox carrying a magpie and two badgers playing for £200, and they are extreemly well done, cant wait to get them!

    Have you told the misses about them or is it going to be a surprise? :icon_eek:

  2. I need some advice, a local farmer has a field of peas which is being devistated by crows, he can't use a crow scarer as the field is so close to houses. He's asked me to fly my hawk over it but apart from my bird being moult I don't think it would make a difference as he would probably just get mobbed or if he did scare them off they'd be back within minutes. Any ideas I'd like to be able to help him out? :hmm:

  3. After spending a couple days trying to find Charlie at home without much luck we decided to have an evening out at the rats.

    We found a few held up in a pile of pallets.







    Our new edition to the team JRT pup marking the pallets.




    Thats Thurso Jacks JRT's and my Patt.




    A selection of rats caught in one of the sheds.



    We got into double figures and cleared a few nests, the dogs all worked well and the pup is coming on nicely. :victory:

  4. Just lifted this off another forum.


    More than one million sea anglers will be forced for the first time to pay to fish under Government plans for a licensing system.


    Ministers are proposing charges to cover beach anglers, boat fishing and charter trips, overturning a British tradition enshrined in common law nearly 800 years ago.


    David Miliband, the Environment Secretary, wants to use the licence fee to help manage fish stocks. It would also be used to protect and improve shore access and car parks, provide launch sites for small boats and create artificial reefs. Part of the money would be used to administer the scheme itself.


    Countryside campaigners see it as a stealth tax and say commercial fishing is the biggest threat to marine conservation. They also argue that it would be prohibitively expensive to police 2,500 miles of coastline.


    The proposal would require everyone over the age of 12 who fishes in the sea with rod and line to have a licence. There would be exemptions for elderly people, group licences for charter vessels and daily and weekly charges.


    Freshwater fishermen currently pay £24.50 a year for a rod licence.


    A spokesman for the Countryside Alliance said: "Sea anglers know full well that it is commercial rather than recreational angling that is the biggest threat to marine conservation."


    The spokesman added that the angling industry is worth £538 million a year to the economy and the Government should be trying to attract people to the sport rather than scaring them off with "a layer of bureaucracy that simply cannot deliver benefits".


    The National Federation of Sea Anglers (NFSA) said it opposed licences without tangible improvements for sea angling. Richard Ferré, the chairman of the NFSA, said: "Sea anglers would be paying to put right the damage caused by years of over-exploitation by commercial fishing allowed through the neglect of successive governments."


    The Government has invited comments on its proposals and a new Bill is not expected until 2009.


    A public right to fish dates to the Digest of Justinian, a Byzantine legal codification, in the sixth century AD.

  5. Me mates brother was out walking his collie when it was attacked and ripped by the local copper's GSD they separated the dogs me mates brother says what you gonna do about it, you'll have to pay the vets fee and the copper says see what I never saw a thing, denied it ever happened.

    Me mates brothers been in trouble the cops in the pass and won't take it further cause he don't want hassle. F**ks me right off.

  6. Nightmare, hopefully the fella will be a bit more carefull from now on, my neighbour over the road the bank robber (alledgedly) lets his fat black lab jump up and look over the wall when he walks past, causing our dogs to kick off the whole time, W**ker.

    Gets on me nerves cause all the other neighbours slag us for have noisey dogs.

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